'Crazy Train' from ''Thirty Years After The Blizzard'' DVD

24 Ekim 2011 Pazartesi, 07:40

786 izlenme


Christian Sanchez

Ren Zamora
guitar god!!!!!

Glenn Miller
rockin w/ BLUE MAX those days

Pepe Vive-Roots

Pepe Vive-Roots
crazy train.. the best of metal.!!

David Glazener
Damn I miss Randy. What a cool guy. He could just
play like it was life flowing out of him. Thanks
for sharing this with us Ozzy. Dave

Nathan Jackson
No one can replace randy, the new guitarist is
pretty damn good so everyone needs not to
complain, it's good shit man!! =)

Nathan Jackson
love how the bass player punches his bass haha

Mike Daniels
awesome then, awesome now. guess somethings never

Mike Feeney
licking your finger and playing bass lines FTW.

Brayam Barrios Huacac
OoOoOoOo YEAH...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trevor-Kane Ringer
your the god of heavy metal and thats a bad ass
performance. send me a friend request n we'll
talk. The name is trevor ringer its the one with a
dark picture

David Estes
randy rhoads was the one of the best and still

Larry Logue
What a bad ass one two punch they WERE!!!!!

Ronnie Atkinson
you rock man your the best rock on

Manu Moins Quart
encore et tjs tres bon

Monica Bues***uillo
un excelente clásico del hombre que tiene el
mejor gusto sobre muuusicaaa...

Kathy Kramer
Great !

Ray Winters
crasy train rocks

Craig Allan Harris
‎Craig Allan Harris here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shawn Smith
well if it wernt for toni asking bill ozzy u ***
to go,,,,,there would not be no randy rhoads,,jake
e lee zaak wilde....so on.....so toni made sharon
then ozzy was reborn......then came crazy train
ozzy a one of phenomenom,,,,but black sabbath
started it ...from bear feet to the world all
over...ozzy still survives..????

Jose Perez
ozzy por algo es elprincipe de las tinieblas

Cristian Julio Sebastiani Heredia
r.i.p randy rhodes fabolous

Nate Paul Schario
I wish Randy Rhoads and Randy Castillo were both
still alive.

Steven Christian
Chilling, absolutly chilling. For a split second,
you almost believe he is still with us...

Javier Belmont
ouh yeah¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Mendy Manansala

Sandra Hobbs
Here's wishing Randy finally get his star on
Hollywood's Walk of Fame. Bigwigs vote.

Adam Sfc Mari-Tarrant

พิชญภณ วนะรุจิ
ํ liil
Gu Rock

Sanchez Alan Jesús
esto es mucica

Sanchez Alan Jesús
esto es musica

Dallas Jack Whitey
best singer out mate FUK YEA

Paula Stinson
all ways a performance we were never disapointed,
miss your interaction with randy you 2 were life
born to be together.love andmissing your friend

Karen Ramskog

Cristhian Ito
buen video

Joe Vaira
love you OZZY I remember hearing you when I was 6
years old. and I*** now 37 and still Rock out with
the OZ man

Nikesh Maharjan
craZYY### guitar n CrAzY tRIn

Terry Curtis
RANDY RHODES All you need say HOLY

Linda Anne Holcomb
Timeless peice of music!! Long Live Rock and

Peter Hughes Warren
As a Guitar player im still always glued to this
Randy fella!

Albert Flavius
‎:x :x: x I Love Rock 4 Ever ! :x :x :x

Rodrigo Alonso Aranguren Aguilera

Thiago Ayosa
randy rhoads forever

Lorenzo Diaz
ozzy lo mejor

Charles Amorim

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