''Far Away'' Music Video (Red Dead Redemption Soundtrack) [HD]

04 Mart 2011 Cuma, 22:15

1237 izlenme


Omar Hamdaoui
Amazing atmosphere in there ! 2010 Best's !

Wilson Nascimento
RDR jogaço!!!!! Melhor do ano de 2010!!

Daniel Moreira

Nicht Wichtig
great job on this one!

Andrew Huld
I don't remember this song. Kinda wussy.

Madhu Shree
love this game.. its awesome

Roberto Pena
Such an awsome song!!

Jim Sangwine
RDR is the game GTA4 should have been. Incredible
characters and the best ending to any game I have
played in the last 25 years. I hope Bondai step up
and make LA Noir this good.

Saffi Stranger

Steve Bucksey
Incredible! Such an awesome, immersive game.

Justin Jones
wow thats awesome

Achraf Belkebir
excellent soundtrack

Kevin Waller
one of the best games evertruly***azing

Britt Barton
Mario, I'm really happy for you but Red Dead
Redemption is one of the greatest games of all

Oscar Rios
The posse is coming at high noon, you better
saddle up outlaw.

Alex Epstein

Rashawn Latrez Wilson
When is a New Gta coming Out Please say soon.

Greenway White

Darson Castillo
Please Make Expansion For new Minigames Like Horse
Racing, or Duel Tournaments In single Player

Johny Elias Chacana Castillo
muy buen juego

Tamara Sisson
Thats one good piece of music

Jaskaran Singh Chahal
How can I download this video?

Billel Boulila
please release this game for pc i have been
waiting for a gme like this for a long time i***
ready pp pre-order a copy at this moment if it is
possible please rockstar i have been waiting for
gta 4 to release in pc a long time and i holp i
dont keep waiting much long for Red Dead
Redemption and thank you love all your open world

Miguel Angel Ramirez
LaCuca187 estubo aki...;)

Aaron Hinchion
Deadman's Gun is also awesome!

Francis Hewlett
The shit

Iker Itza
Good song.

Chris Suess
thanks for making one of the best video games ever
made guys

Arsal Akhtar
in my opinion when ever john is riding back to his
family and "compass" is playin in the
background is better than when ur ridin in mexico
for the first time and "far away" is

Jemeil Mitchell
Does anyone know if there will be a Game of the
Year Edition including all the DLC?

Roybert Antonio Nieto Bracamonte
me encanta ese juego

Madyson Gilbert
LOVE this game!!! ♥

Vinicius Corrêa
love this game and also love José González!
awesome video!

Muhammad Yussuf
awesome vid. pls release this for pc soon!

Luc Bergeron
that game is just***azing i beat it and everything
just an awesome game rockstar i say roll with this
game make another but it should have johns son as
the main character

An Archo
the best game story I have ever seen

An Archo
Dutch is right

Ben Osborne
Is the flashback scene of John and Dutch robbing
the train in the game? I don't remember
seeing that.

Federico Avendaño
I vote from a red dead redemption for pc ... I
from for Argentina.

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