♫ Give me freedom Give me fire ♫

21 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba, 12:23

2015 izlenme


Sami Ben***ali
Give me freedom Give me fire

Ghaston Patron Amraoui
mouch normal

Lamia Matmoure Lamou
bzaf chaba et 123 vive l'algerie

'MaђÐîì ѺµnąïS
yes the best ti houma 5tarouha music du south

Hana Fattoum
Oooooooooooooh, woooooooooohh,
hohohoOooooooooooooh, woooooooooohh, hohohoGive me
freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me
higherSee the champions, take the field now, you
define us, make us feel proud...In the streets
are, exaliftin, every loser, in
ambitionCelebration, its around us, every nations,
all around usSinging forever young, singing songs
underneath that sunLets rejoice, in the beautiful
gameAnd together at the end of the dayWE ALL
SAY…When I get older, I will be
strongerthey’ll call me freedom, Just like a
waving flagAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes
backAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes backAnd
then it goes backWhen I get older, I will be
strongerThey'll call me freedomJust like a
waving flagAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes
backAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes backAnd
then it goes backOooooooooooooh, woooooooooohh,
hohohoOooooooooooooh, woooooooooohh, hohohoGive
you freedom, give you fire, give you reason, take
you higherSee the champions, take the field now,
you define us, make us feel proudIn the streets
are, exaliftin, every loser, in
ambitionCelebration, its around us, every nations,
all around usSinging forever young, singing songs
underneath that sunLets rejoice, in the beautiful
gameAnd together at the end of the dayWE ALL
SAY…When I get older, I will be
strongerThey'll call me freedomJust like a
waving flagAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes
backAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes backAnd
then it goes backWhen I get older, I will be
strongerThey'll call me freedomJust like a
waving flagAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes
backAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes backAnd
then it goes backOooooooooooooh, woooooooooohh,
hohohoOooooooooooooh, woooooooooohh, hohohoWE ALL
SAY…When I get older, I will be
strongerThey'll call me freedomJust like a
waving flag

Saleh Brahmi
thx im the best llllllllollllll

Hammod X Messi
I ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ it but not more than { OH

Ghaith Abcha ɕɭʊβɨɨɨʂɫ
this is a very nice song!!!!!!!!

Ahmed Atig

Sofiene Ultras
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw ..xd

Mohamed Gouider ⎝⏠ ⎝⏠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠
viva africa and viva tunisia fier d'etre

Bedis Bouassida
jawwwwwwwww mouch normalllllllllllllll ^^

Houbeb Belhaj

Imed Khdiri
moooooooooooooooolto bella.

Fatchouma 法特瑪 Javed

Aymen Zenati
vraiment sé la meillieur de toutes les chans des
coupes du monde wawwoooooooooooowoowowow jadore

Youhou Karitza
very nice sound & dance

Mohamed Jacem Mcharek
mais vraimon mala clips can jite fi afrike de sud
rani nagazet norgose

Rose Ziebart
‎+ nancy mieux

Sarra Chaker
ce sont les africains 7ata houma m3almia (^_^)

Mohamed Jacem Mcharek

Sihem Bouchareb
peace and freedom

Achye Manisso
love freedom

Mohamed Zerouali
just like waving flag ^^

Safa Boussada

Houssein Chatti
its a good 1

Houssem Mbarki
it s fabouloussssssssssssssssssssssssss

Amen الشرميتى
hi ileke this sang

ناني ناني
مرررررررررره جناان امووت
في هي الاغنية

Faouzi Brinis Faouzi Brinis

Arwa Msk

Raouf Kelkouli
I LikEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Foued Jaidane
moi aussi...

Mohamed Boumendjel
so great

Hamza Meddeb
vive mondial

Zouari Ameni

Zouari Ameni
‎:< :<

Zouari Ameni

Hammod Potter
I ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ it but not more than {

Ghaith Abcha
this is a very nice song!!!!!!!!

Ahmed Atig

Mohamed Gouider
viva africa and viva tunisia fier d'etre

'Bedis Bouassida
jawwwwwwwww mouch normalllllllllllllll ^^

Houbeb Belhadj

Imed Kd
moooooooooooooooolto bella.

Mouhaimen Hamdi

Fatma Boulares

Aymen Zenati
vraiment sé la meillieur de toutes les chans des
coupes du monde wawwoooooooooooowoowowow jadore

Youkhou Karitza
very nice sound & dance

Jacem Mcharek
mais vraimon mala clips can jite fi afrike de sud
rani nagazet norgose

Rose Jackson
‎+ nancy mieux

Sarouta Ch
ce sont les africains 7ata houma m3almia (^_^)

Jacem Mcharek

Sihem Bouchareb
peace and freedom

Achye Manisso
love freedom

Mohamed Zerouali
just like waving flag ^^

Sàfà ßoùssàdà

Houssein Chatti
its a good 1

Houssem Mbarki
it s fabouloussssssssssssssssss​ssssssss

Amen Nasri
hi ileke this sang

Jbaar Hoobk
مرررررررررره جناان امووت
في هي الاغنية

Raouf Kelkouli
I LikEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Foued Jaidane
moi aussi...

Med Abdrabah

Khalil Grouz

Ahmed Boumendjel
so great

Hamza Meddeb
vive mondial

Malih Mastaziano

Zouari Ameni

Zouari Ameni
‎:< :<

Zouari Ameni

Walid Patron

HouSsem HSm
♥♥♥♥♥ j'aime trop ♥♥♥♥♥

Tahri Safoin

Tahri Safoin

Tahri Safoin

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