“Just Do It” Sneak Peek – Round 2 [HD]

04 Haziran 2010 Cuma, 13:50

1738 izlenme


Danielle B
make the layers become like illustrator has. so
you can move certain objects from layer to layer
and front to back inside a layer

Deborah Austin
Awesome! Looking forward to CS5! ^_^

Govind Krishna

John Reyes
Finally! Phew! Kudos.

Bernd Shoe S.
off topic, but the audio of this video is mono,
left channel only.

Manny Vallejo
In liquify, It would speed things up if the brush
size could change like the paint brush within
Pshop by holding down control & option and

Musht*** Mohammed
i like ps5 features... very useful features...
and now i m waiting for adobe cs5 softwares ...

Musht*** Mohammed
but when cs5 softwares will be available on web?

Micah Brown
openGL support for dual monitors

Moritz Weller
Make all filters work on Adjustment Layers like in
After Effects! Preparing each layer for smart
filters is such a pain... More non-destructive
editing pleeeease :)

Maciej Hajnrich
I love it guys, Small tweaks makes life better.
Can't wait for more!

Steve Gehring
AWSOME!!!... these little details are one of the
main reasons why photoshop is my favorite
application!! =O) =O) =O)

Travis Swearengen
Adjustable transparent toolbars. Select mutiple
layers >hit fold button=layers added to folder

Brandon Posey
I think you can already do that Travis.

Morten Albertsen
Yes travis - this is already possible

Gebre Waddell
The one channel audio on this video was quite
annoying. Disconcerting in headphones.

David Henry
Fix text editing in the File > File Info...
dialogue box (Command-Option-Shift-I) !!
Command/Option left and right arrows don't
work, so I generally type my captions in a text
editor and paste that in to the File Info...
dialogue box. I don't remember this problem
in Photoshop CS3, and Heck, text editing is easier
in Safari, sheesh...

Joe Valenti
I've *** a macbook and cs4 but I don't
have the enable gestures feature.

Cecil Kofford
Make it affordable. Photoshop elements is crap
compared to photoshop. Gimp's *** you beat

David Garcia
i think it's easier to "copy layer
style" and "paste layer style" than
to make default, because when you make different
things, they generally have a different look to

Mick Eason
I actually like the default layer styles idea. So
many times*** I replicating the same styles
because of website consistency. Copying and
pasting a layer style doesn't work if you
don't have any of the styles created yet in
the new document. Every few minutes saved means
more work can be done.

Light Man
Lovely features, especially the one "Apply to
all" when closing many documents. Thanks ^^

Desislava Slavkova
Be able to modify the gradient in illustrator as
you can in photoshop -double click in the color
swatch to open color picker.

Mamerto Ronan Yñigo
I wish we can do all that smooth effects on your
half brother... Adobe Illustrator.

Omair Masood Khokhar
Hurt Voice Plz Change it.

Eliza Junko Honda
I love the "make default styles" because
that gives us the chance to set to a specific
style effects. To "copy layer style" it
would bring all the changes to a new layer, not
some specific ones that we want.I like the option
Apply to All to Save changes to the documents
before closing but only if we still have the
option to revert it to some files we don't
want to save! Thanks xx

Sharon Park
i have to know this

Alejandro McCausland
Owesome!!..... new features. Great!!!

Eliza Junko Honda
About my previous comment, sorry, I just realize:
my mistake! We can always find an alternative to
not save some opened files, after hitting the Save
to All option. For the document I don't want
to save the changes just Save as to keep the
previous version... This doesn't sound
relevant but this function will definitely be of
such a great help for us! Thanks again xxx

Ondra Uher
very simple

Joseph Ford
How do you enable the gestures in CS4 for the
Macbook pro.

Taylor Jasko
Hmm, no right channel in the audio... but great
video. :)

Greg Lindenbach
Right on. =]How about the ability to change the
order of the Layer style options, eg. swapping
Gradient with Stroke, etc.

Amie Griffin
I would like to be able use any scale below 100%
on a pattern and for the pattern to be crisp. If
I use any number besides 100 or 50, the pattern is
slightly fuzzy. I would like the ability to
rotate a pattern (at least in 45 degree
increments) on both a new fill layer and a layer
style. I would like to move a pattern around on a
layer style ... like I can on a new
layer fill. I would also like to be able to save
just one brush (the one selected) to a file as
opposed to the entire palette of brushes.I'm
looking forward to upgrading to CS5.

Sergiu Bîrsanu
this suks

Zohaib Lilani
who is admin...?

Zohaib Lilani
yaaar..plx..koi adobe photoshop ki web batao ..

Tambaloneus Cookies
I'd love a "Paste as New Document".
At the moment I use an action, it's one less
bit of menu clicking I ***ta do - particularly
when I have my New Document settings at
"Custom" and don't want to lose
them choosing "'Clipboard". I
dunno, it's a lame request but I miss it from
my PaintShop Pro days.

Denny Weigand
Just these two will same me a ton of time in my
workload...so when do we get the beta?

Amiena Mohamed
WooooooooooooooW, I like that.

Charise Hale

Kessir Jamel Adjaho
photoshop is the best

Thomas Wozak
holy sh...

Beth Reynolds McNabb
Charise, Photoshop is the best. If you are new,
try using Photoshop Elements first. It does a lot
of the things Photoshop does but is much more
affordable. I used it for years before upgrading
to Photoshop. There are many, many tutorials out
there to teach you how also.

Alan Harwell
I get sick of the pivot point when trying to free
transform a small object. You constantly move it
when you didn't want to. I wish you could
turn that off!

Boaz Zemer
More:- Enable dragging & copying layers
between open .PSD files.- Stroke and Fill
previews.- Enlarge the Displace filter's
"File open" dialog box.

Danielle B
make the layers become like illustrator has. so
you can move certain objects from layer to layer
and front to back inside a layer

Deborah Austin
Awesome! Looking forward to CS5! ^_^

Govind Krishna

John Reyes
Finally! Phew! Kudos.

Burnéd Shoés
off topic, but the audio of this video is mono,
left channel only.

Manny Vallejo
In liquify, It would speed things up if the brush
size could change like the paint brush within
Pshop by holding down control & option and

Musht*** Mohammed
i like ps5 features... very useful features...
and now i m waiting for adobe cs5 softwares ...

Musht*** Mohammed
but when cs5 softwares will be available on web?

Micah Brown
openGL support for dual monitors

Mo Mentmal
Make all filters work on Adjustment Layers like in
After Effects! Preparing each layer for smart
filters is such a pain... More non-destructive
editing pleeeease :)

Maciej Hajnrich
I love it guys, Small tweaks makes life better.
Can't wait for more!

Steve Gehring
AWSOME!!!... these little details are one of the
main reasons why photoshop is my favorite
application!! =O) =O) =O)

Travis Swearengen
Adjustable transparent toolbars. Select mutiple
layers >hit fold button=layers added to folder

Brandon Posey
I think you can already do that Travis.

Morten Albertsen
Yes travis - this is already possible

Gebre Waddell
The one channel audio on this video was quite
annoying. Disconcerting in headphones.

David Henry
Fix text editing in the File > File Info...
dialogue box (Command-Option-Shift-I) !!
Command/Option left and right arrows don't
work, so I generally type my captions in a text
editor and paste that in to the File Info...
dialogue box. I don't remember this problem
in Photoshop CS3, and Heck, text editing is easier
in Safari, sheesh...

Dominik Doubis Dobiáš

Joe Valenti
I've *** a macbook and cs4 but I don't
have the enable gestures feature.

Cecil Kofford
Make it affordable. Photoshop elements is crap
compared to photoshop. Gimp's *** you beat

David Garcia
i think it's easier to "copy layer
style" and "paste layer style" than
to make default, because when you make different
things, they generally have a different look to

Mick Eason
I actually like the default layer styles idea. So
many times*** I replicating the same styles
because of website consistency. Copying and
pasting a layer style doesn't work if you
don't have any of the styles created yet in
the new document. Every few minutes saved means
more work can be done.

Desislava Slavkova
Be able to modify the gradient in illustrator as
you can in photoshop -double click in the color
swatch to open color picker.

Mamerto Ronan V. Yñigo
I wish we can do all that smooth effects on your
half brother... Adobe Illustrator.

Eliza Junko Honda
I love the "make default styles" because
that gives us the chance to set to a specific
style effects. To "copy layer style" it
would bring all the changes to a new layer, not
some specific ones that we want.I like the option
Apply to All to Save changes to the documents
before closing but only if we still have the
option to revert it to some files we don't
want to save! Thanks xx

Sharon Park
i have to know this

Alejandro McCausland
Owesome!!..... new features. Great!!!

Eliza Junko Honda
About my previous comment, sorry, I just realize:
my mistake! We can always find an alternative to
not save some opened files, after hitting the Save
to All option. For the document I don't want
to save the changes just Save as to keep the
previous version... This doesn't sound
relevant but this function will definitely be of
such a great help for us! Thanks again xxx

Ondra Uher
very simple

Joseph Ford
How do you enable the gestures in CS4 for the
Macbook pro.

Taylor Jasko
Hmm, no right channel in the audio... but great
video. :)

Greg Lindenbach
Right on. =]How about the ability to change the
order of the Layer style options, eg. swapping
Gradient with Stroke, etc.

Amie Griffin
I would like to be able use any scale below 100%
on a pattern and for the pattern to be crisp. If
I use any number besides 100 or 50, the pattern is
slightly fuzzy. I would like the ability to
rotate a pattern (at least in 45 degree incre...

Sergiu Bîrsanu
this suks

Zohaib H Lilani
who is admin...?

Zohaib H Lilani
yaaar..plx..koi adobe photoshop ki web batao ..

Tambaloneus Cookies
I'd love a "Paste as New Document".
At the moment I use an action, it's one less
bit of menu clicking I ***ta do - particularly
when I have my New Document settings at
"Custom" and don't want to lose
them choosing "'Clipboard". I
dunno, it's a lame request but I miss it from
my PaintShop Pro days.

Denny Weigand
Just these two will same me a ton of time in my
workload...so when do we get the beta?

Amiena Mohamed
WooooooooooooooW, I like that.

Charise Hale

Cheikh Mohamed Al-Kessir
photoshop is the best

Thomas Wozak
holy sh...

Beth Reynolds McNabb
Charise, Photoshop is the best. If you are new,
try using Photoshop Elements first. It does a lot
of the things Photoshop does but is much more
affordable. I used it for years before upgrading
to Photoshop. There are many, many tutorials out
there to teach you how also.

Boaz Zemer
My suggestions:- Enable to auto-hide the tool
pallets.- Group layer style and paste layer style
to all layers in a group.- Expand / collapse all
branches within a group and all groups.- Add an
option to show a dialog asking to name a layer ...

Alan Harwell
I get sick of the pivot point when trying to free
transform a small object. You constantly move it
when you didn't want to. I wish you could
turn that off!

Boaz Zemer
More:- Enable dragging & copying layers
between open .PSD files.- Stroke and Fill
previews.- Enlarge the Displace filter's
"File open" dialog box.

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