─╬─► Sam the seagull stealing Do ritos ◄─╬─

11 Ağustos 2011 Perşembe, 18:20

516 izlenme


Linda Myggan Olsson
so nice♥♥ meee like a lott!!

Andrea Bagnoli
Bellissimo !!!!

Paul Werwein
‎Paul Werwein

Andre van Seenus
i posted this on my FB wall, and now it cannot
remove it??? what?

Dan Jones
LOL Damn!!!! haahhaha

Mildred Speidel
This is a must see!

Sweetrose Flower
really cute

Ahmed Emam
so cute

Cari Sanchez-Campoy
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zaíra Célia Crepaldi
So cute!!!

Funda Buyukgokce

Adi Draper
just great haha

Daniel Mullane
the bird is the word and hes making it clear

Dom Nyce
this is classic

Neula Guilhon
Ele é fantástico.. entrou como quem não quer
nada e sai correndo com a embalagem no bico...
Espertinho!!! :) kkkkkk

Jetara True-Love
I love this gull~ brazen goodness in him. I had a
chat w some sea gulls at the beach..other people
were yelling at them.. I asked the one who was
begging to come say hello, he did.. I told him, I
had no food in the bags for him, I was sorry, but
there was nothing there, so he left~:: People
behind me were cracking up.. they said.. what u
can talk to sea gulls..?? Answer is.. we all can~
blssngs ur way!

Jean Lunness
did the looters watch this!!!!! first bird

Melissa Bovet

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