♫ SeaGulls ♫ [HQ]

19 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi, 21:24

808 izlenme


Gianna Top
I suoi brani sono sempre stupendi, complimenti al

Manel Miaadi
watching the video and listening to the music is
toooooo much . so I close my eyes enjoy the music
. Then I just watch the video and finally I do
both at the same time to be overwhelmed by
inexplicable emotions

Barış Eser
Always Best.!!

Gabrielle Di Sant'angelo
Te sarut de mii de ori dupa 26 ani Lots of love,
cu dragoste a ta Angela

Gabrielle Di Sant'angelo
Draga zamfir, You are the Best ever ! I love you ,
cu dragoste te sarut de mii de ori a ta Angela

Liliana Marin
Sa-i multumim lui DUMNEZEU, de existenta
maestrului , printre noi !

Liliana Marin
Pt, ca pune in evidenta, cele mai sensibile,
trairi si le ridica in cele mai indepartate culmi
astrale !

Tjuk Sutriono

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