''Secret'' (The Pierces) - ASL/PSE - Harp Twins [HD]

10 Aralık 2010 Cuma, 08:45

3736 izlenme


Sebastiaan Benders
I absolutely love it! I had some great comments
of friends on it, too, girls! Lots of love from
Canada here :)

Kirsten Coahran
WOW that is different, cool :)

Rob Waddell

Victoria Wolf
Love this! Just fabulous! Wonderful!

Alex Wilbur
Fantastic. Keep up the good work.

Connie Millar-Lymburner
I've had the corus stuck in my head since I
first saw this video.

Camille and Kennerly
Sebastiaan ~ Thank you, x2, and thank you for
sharing it with friends! ♥ ♥ back at you and
Canada! :D :DKirsten ~ Thank you! We're glad
you enjoyed! :) :)Rob ~ It is one of our
favorites. :D :D Thank you!Victoria ~ You are
sweet! Thank you ...so much!Alex ~ We appreciate
the support! More videos in the works. ;) ;)Connie
~ Aww! Hopefully that is a good thing?! ;) ;) ♥
♥, x2!

Maurice Welch

Alex Wilbur
I like when you kids wink at me ;)

Andreas K. Blaser
finally creepy sign language, missed it. :) the
end.. uh, i like both ends.

Andreas K. Blaser
ps; i'm from switzerland, and some deaf
people like your sign language music. you've
*** some swiss fan's. :))

Devin Niyan
Love it! I like the alternative ending best!
Cool song! A Halloween treat....or trick.?!

Rick Lukowicz
Wow! This is the best you guys have done! I
*kiss-fist* this one! Love the alternate ending
and the bloopers! :)

Camille and Kennerly
Maurice ~ We're glad you enjoyed the video!
:) :)Alex ~ Well here ya go then... ;) ;)Andreas
~ Well if only "some" Swiss deaf people
like our Sign videos, please "share" so
they all do! ;) ;) haha Thank you for your
support! ♥ ♥ to all our... Swiss fans!Devin ~
Hmm, we would say both treat and trick! heehee ;)
;)Rick ~ Thank you, x2! All of our new videos
include something fun at the end for those who
watch until the very end! :D :D

Alex Wilbur
HA! I *** 2 winks! One might call them
"Twin Winks"

Camille and Kennerly
Alex ~ Heehee - we like!Eric ~ Thank you so much!
We're glad you enjoyed "Secret"! :D

Michael Harrison
This is one delightfully creepy video! You two
gems still remain extremely beautiful, even when
portraying fiendish and Halloweenish characters in
a nineteenth-century setting worthy of Sherlock
Holmes. The alternate ending is the better
...one! You can almost hear the lady laughing
maniacally at the very end of the video (just like
one can imagine ghosties and ghoulies laughing
from behind the walls within that mysterious old
mansion). You all have another winner here! Keep
up the excellent work and we will thank you from
the bottom of our dear little hearts. Heh, heh,
heh! :-) :-D

Gene Spieckermann
what can i say.. i do dead well!

Wanita Kiser

Camille and Kennerly
Wanita ~ Thank you very much! We're so glad
you enjoyed our version of "Secret"! :D

Tom Morford
Just curious a couple of times in the video the
singer was singing "tell" and you were
signing private or secret. I'm curious was
that deliberate because it DID fit the context at
that point in the song or is it just a signing
dialect diffe...rence between Illinois and
Colorado? And I like the first ending better

Tiffany Ann Marie Byerly

Camille and Kennerly
Tom ~ Our glossing is all available under the
video on YouTube in the "info" drop-down
box below the video. We do not always sign the
exact word with the exact lyric (like one would in
SEE). Also, at times one of us is signing the main
chor...us and the other is signing what the
back-up singer is singing! :D :DTiffany ~ Thank
you, x2! We're so glad you enjoyed our
version of "Secret"! ♥ ♥

Tom Morford
Just wanted to be clear that I wasn’t
attempting to critique or criticize your
interpretation of this song. My question was asked
solely out of curiosity. As I said in my first
post, the sign you used did conceptually fit the
context of the video I was just curious whether it
a deliberate choice or a regional difference in
ASL/PSE dialect.

Cora Embalabala
Hey! It was cool seeing how you used the house ;)

Camille and Kennerly
Tom ~ Thank you for your support! Yes, our
signing choices are deliberate! We always attempt
to sign what best fits the song - both
conceptually and musically! We don't know of
a regional difference. :D :DCora ~ It was the
perfect location... for the song! It was so much
fun to film there! Miss you, x2! ♥ ♥

Tom Morford
There are some. The best example I can give is on
the West coast the sign for "police" is
a "P" sign made against your hand as in
the sign "Comandment" . In Colorado that
sign would be interpreted as "Principle"
and "police would be a "P" over the
left breast signifying a badge.

Camille and Kennerly
Tom ~ Thank you for the fun and interesting
facts! Yes, we know that there are regional
differences in Sign, we just do not know of any in
this particular video: "Secret" :) :)
Blessings, x2!

David Parsley
that cool twin lady and I like it song cool and
keep send me for new song with asl ok bec I***
deaf ok hope we can chat sometime

Crystal Hamlin
i really like this video. :)

Camille and Kennerly
David ~ Thank you for your support and sweet
comment! We are always working on new fun and
unusual videos! Blessings, x2!Crystal ~ Thank you
so much! This is one of our favorite sign language
videos and we had a lot of fun making it! :D :D

Crystal Hamlin
its one of my new favorite videos too. this one
and you belong with me are my 2 fav. of yours.

you for*** me
hello im looking for charlie anders is he
still posting here alfie

steel buildings
hello there - re your \" joke post\" last week
send me an email and i will sort you out im
sure these do simmilar ones regards jamie

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