16 years old Yasi - Tender Storms (Own Song)

30 Mayıs 2010 Pazar, 15:45

1986 izlenme


Antonio Menditto
great play!! i'm in love! ;) stupenda

Hugo Angel
Bravo!I like very much when you play your own
themes, you look very expressive and fluent,
perhaps because of you're telling your own
stories ;)? "Tender Storms" what a
beautiful name!

Ahzumi Ace Garciniego
you rock!

Kabir Khan
u rockx sweetie!!!i love u mwah!!!

Ezequiel Diaz
wah wah women

Tigran Igityan
Nice, oh, so nice...

Giovanni Atzeni
very beautiful song!

Ashley Boabul
pretty good tapping....i'm in love wiz zis

Thet Htoo San
really sounds like Vai, Yasmin!!!Great!

Antonio Menditto
great play!! i'm in love! ;) stupenda

Hugo Angel
Bravo!I like very much when you play your own
themes, you look very expressive and fluent,
perhaps because of you're telling your own
stories ;)? "Tender Storms" what a
beautiful name!

Ahzumi Ace Garciniego
you rock!

Ezequiel Diaz
wah wah women

Tigran Igityan
Nice, oh, so nice...

Giovanni Atzeni
very beautiful song!

Ashley Boabul
pretty good tapping....i'm in love wiz zis

Thet Htoo San
really sounds like Vai, Yasmin!!!Great!

Alice Xu
I LOVE this song....great job Yasi!! :)

Ruhul Amin
I too.

Muhammet Kahveci
it :D

Jeff Parks
you make it soooo easy, but I know it aint!

Charles Fernandes
Hey ur seriously awesom!hottest gal i've seen
play d guitar :)***azin song 2..luv it!*** a nice
vai feel 2 it

Marianne Olenska
Great Playing!!

Azham Jelani

Vipul Pai Raikar
i love u..i love u..i love u!!!

Sheldon Thomasson
Super awesome.

Shawn Shirley
that's kick ass

Elzzaej Alliv Hern
rock n' roll

Mehmet Demirci
great playing!!!!!!!!!!

Zéro Tonio
If it could be possible, I would be reincarnate
into your Ibanez..Keep on lady !!

Nickandro Orillo
hmmmmmm....how nice and loovely song....ilove you
girl.....kip up the rock mood...kip on
playing....and you know i love your song very

Nickandro Orillo
tender storms...thats my favorite one....gud
song...awesome composition...

Manuel Gatica
the better one ;) please keep playing you rocks ;)

Nuriazam Ismail
Yasiiiiiii... you're***aziiiiing. So cute and
so good!

John Paul Bayer
i like it how the guitar presses her umpppp,...

Vasko Trajkov
JEM power! ;)

Indika Kumara

Luca Brozzi

Deno Sansonetti
HI5 on the Chop. Very Melodic, Nice Earfood

Charles Morgan
whats the point intrying when there are poeople
like you out there. very pro, you have a big

Yasmine Urien
i like what you do !!!!

Yonathan Julio
I*** guitarist also,your video is brilliant,what q
if I recommend you work more in the end of the

Yonathan Julio
I tell you wave,is not for you angry

Alberto Velásquez Torralva
No cabe duda, cuando Dios bendice, BENDICE!!!

Last Serenade
can anyone tell me the original track name ?

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