wow - incredibly powerful - new (which are ancient
methods) coming forward - thank you Sevgi
-amazing! I like Gregg Braden! pretty wise man in
my eyes
Sylvia Foidl
12 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba, 20:58
I will share it.... but would it not be great if
other people had in input as well - it would be
excellent if you put interesting stuff on the
page.... thank you Sevgi..... much love and light
Sevgi Yüreklik
12 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba, 20:59
Ok than I will add now :) big hug & love...
Sevgi Yüreklik
12 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba, 21:00
But I think only admins can add. I will try than:)
methods) coming forward - thank you Sevgi
-amazing! I like Gregg Braden! pretty wise man in
my eyes
other people had in input as well - it would be
excellent if you put interesting stuff on the
page.... thank you Sevgi..... much love and light