3 DON'T GO URAL 3 (ural giray çelikcan)

28 Aralık 2010 Salı, 11:15

1059 izlenme


Truva Hecuba
oyy paşam ..

Truva Hecuba
there is now word to say after watch this..paşam

Truva Hecuba
yusuf abi ve sedef anne ..ne söylenir şimdi
böyle bir zamanda bilmiyorum..ama sizi
seviyorum..ve ..bitanenizi bizmle
paylaştığınız için çok teşekkürler..

Tiffany Dailey
oh my one of the most beautiful, graves i have
ever scene...ural deserves it all...he would be
very proud...amazing !

In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan
I share Ural's graves pictures first time...
Ural'ın kabrinin fotoğraflarını ilk defa
paylaşıyorum sizlerle...(sedef)

Unfor***ten Angels
Thank you so much for sharing this. RIP Ural, you
have your wings now.

Zina Linnea Larsson Bazhenova
Beautiful video for a sweet angel... RIP Ural,
seni seviyorum ♥

In Loving Memory of Ural Giray Çelikcan
‎:( Ural's resting place is absolutely
beautiful... and this video is so beautiful ♥

Karen Manwaring Williams
ty for sharing its a beautiful resting place just
as urial deserves

Skye Roach
i could never fathom losing a child like ural.
the world lost something precious and pure. i know
that up in heaven he is preparing for when he is
reunited with his family. and i know he will hold
theirs hand when they pass and he will be the
first thing they see when they move on to to the
heavens. love you ural. thank you for the shooting
star tonight.

Kim Jett
Thank you for sharing Ural's resting place.
It is so beautiful! I love Ural so much; I just
wish I could have met him. But thanks to you,
Sedef, Yusuf, Idil and Truva I've ***ten to
know him in so many ways! Rest in Peace, beautiful
boy...you will never be for***ten and will always
be in my heart! ♥♥♥

Serra Nur Kurt
yha çoooooooook üzüldüm :'(

Lorraine Spencer
beautiful resting place for a beautiful boy xx

Sarah Parker
Thank you for sharing Ural's resting place,
it is absolutely stunning and he deserves every
centimeter of it!! I wish I could personally
deliver flowers to him =(

Patsy Smith Mcdonald
thank u 4 sharing his restin place its so
beautiful just like him the speacil little fella

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