3 Michael Jackson Heal The World The Best Song 4ever 3

18 Şubat 2011 Cuma, 13:09

1110 izlenme


Caner Avcı ךסףן
Thank you, I love you too michael

Federica Di Natale
E' la persona più dolce del mondo!

Kate Cempel
OMG***azing!!!!!L.O.V.E it!! ♥ ♥Thank you!

Nicole Chavez
aww thnx so muchh :D:D:D im cryingg!! :'( ..
i miss michael so muchh!! michaell i love uu!!
michael we love uu so muchh! we never forget u!!

we love the king Michael Jackson
♥ ♥

Sabrine Chaabane
love this song ^_^ thx 4 the tag!

Safa Jackson
thank u ! we love you michael ♥♥♥

Joelle Jez-Andrieu
OMG ! Thanks, thanks thanks, it is magnificent,
Michael is the King of World, He stay the best
until the end of time, our tears can make an ocean
of love to you our Angel, Miss us you so much, we
love you for ever ... RIP MJ.

Sarmed Alagaby
i love this song alot!!!

Joelle Jez-Andrieu
Thank a lot Wael !

Taina Maria Tikkamäki
The best song ever...But it just my opinion

Marwen Mahmoudi
thnx wael love MJ4ever

Sabri Tahri
merci bcp wael, ♥ MJ ♥

Sarah Dammak
Trés belles paroles pendant la ceremonie du Super
Ball , c'est grandiose .

we love the king Michael Jackson
‎2 rien @sabri

Mamzelle Amal
♥♥♥ MJ FOREVER ♥♥♥

Nabil Tahri
tnx very much my best friend wael ♥ ♥ ♥

Giuseppe Vano
I ♥ LOVE ♥ THIS ♥ SONG ♥ ♥ ♥

Floriane Gerolt
Michael ♥

Fatima Wided
i love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Safa Jackson
i souw it to my mum and she enjoyed it!!

Emilia Marcela
We have to heal the world , hand to hand ,all
together ,one for all and all for one God bless
this Sunday and each day so as it comes (*) ♥

Bella Twighlight
♥ MJ ♥ My love to you is speechless, the day i
will stop lovin u is the day i close my eyes 4ever

Moli Jk
so great...

we love the king Michael Jackson
There's A Place InYour HeartAnd I Know That
It Is LoveAnd This Place CouldBe Much...

Sylvie Fortin B
magnifique il et adorable i love you Michael

Bella Twighlight
♥♥ I adore you♥

Romina Morán

Romina Morán

Romina Morán

Chairunisa Zulf***ar
♥ ♥ ♥

Bella Twighlight
Simply messages LOVE ♥ I love you like crazy

Federica Di Natale
Michael i love you

Bella Twighlight
Michael is my life my everything ♥ I love him
until the earth died ♥♥

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