35 Accents in the English Language [HQ]

21 Kasım 2010 Pazar, 19:18

1368 izlenme


Jagdip Bhat

Retsehc Yee
im a filipino.. and im proud of it..my

Mariam Botros
very nice

Krishnagopal Thogiti
That is not certainly indian accent

ToeToe Claro
no it wasn't funny... why do they always
make fun of filipino accent?!

Iliya Tayyebi
thats cool...

Neri Espartina
filipino accent.that's a nanny or a grandma
way.lol,anyway..filipino accent sometimes are
funny.depends on who.but it doesn't matter as
long as it can be understood.di ba? ay naku!

Geraldine Responso
weeeeeeeh uy no fighting ay nakuh my
gosh!!!!!natawa lng ako don...

Jude Lopez
way 2 cool man... i luv the way u did the
filipino,,, ''huy! stap payting!! hay
naku umaygas.... lol... luv 8..

Javad Ghofrani
avelesh cherte vali vasatsh khande dar mishe

Bee Dunham
he's good! hay nako! hehehe hes talent is
making people laugh and that's pretty good!

Jianmin Zhu
lol***azing 牛b

Roman Svec
He *** it.... ;) :))

Farid Irooni
very funny....most of them were right...

Kevin-Filipina Astrera-Hugo
ai naku my gosh!!hahahahah

Herbert Camat
dude i*** canadian

Caroline Lenlen Concepcion Almacen
he..he..cool..:)oh my gas..too expensive!LOL!

Thuso Richard Karema
like it wen u talk about Peter chaoo....fuuny ryt

Mitra Niki
awesome korean and arabic

Lilibeth Macawile Koskela
your filipino accent was great.. AY NAKU!!!!

Ma Jocelyn Dizon
it;s funny but filipinos speak good english.

Jude Lopez
but filipinos have to admit that they're
popular 4 that accent... hes just too good... only
foreigner 2 nail the filipino accent... thumds up

Jude Lopez
when he did the mexican, he sounds like adam
sandler in 'dont mess with the zohan'...

Shiela Panganiban M***es
Filipino accent #27... nice.. hehehe

Clarence Tuvera
Ha ha! Luv it!!!

モラタ りな
soooo true ! hay naku my god! hahahaha ^^

Floriza Lerasan
ay nako may gas!

Kathy Iquina
love it. dont bite. hay naku

Mark Anthony Nario
liked the 10th and 27th! lol xD oh my gas! he
reminds me of Rob Schneider specially in the 10th
accent like in the film "the hot chick"
he almost sounds like him! =))

Lyndon Pacatang
lol i love the australian accent but the filipino
accent was way cool....

Neil Angelo Briones
lol he *** it right about the Filipino accent :D.
Only middle aged and senior citizen Filipinos
speak like that nowadays. Filipino Accent today,
well the young generation of Filipinos are kind of
a bit mixed with Californian and Canadian
ac...cent but some other are still stuck with the
"p" word O_O.

Jeros Nic Lim
hahaha..Filipino accent!cool:D..way better than
kookie! Lee Da Hae..

Khaled Selim
The indian could be far better tan thisRussell
Peters is the king at that

Kyell Avila

Angeli Cristine Montalbo Salumbides
‎"oy! enap payting ah! dont payt! ay naku
omaygad!!"LOL. i bet this guy has a lot of
pinoy peers. xD ♥

Wingielyn Honculada Baldoza
he *** the filipino funny locals. and he did it
pretty good.haha though we still *** good english
accents though ;)

Aart Hans Ramos Aggabao
He did te Filipino accent the grandma-nanny way.
Haha. But he did sound legit. :) Wasnt satisfied
with the Japanese accent tho. But the entire thing
was GREAT all the same! :)

Mikhael L. Baltazar
this is great..i can't beliv that he can do
so many accents..where can i download this
vid??anyone *** links??i'm gonna share this
to all my friends...very cool^_^

Romeo Se Jr.
haha. lol on the Filipino accent. somehow true
for non-fluent speakers, most probably the low
class citizens.

Bhaskar Shanbhag
Yes, Indian can be far better and you will have
at least 10 types from India only...

Paula Marie Katrina Gomez
filipino part was funny!! "ay naku may
gawsh!" wahahahaha

Marielle Monica Cariño
Filipinos who keep opposing how the guy did the
Italian accent BTW. ♥

David Boucaut
Great job . except for the Aussie accent not even

Izzy Babiee
ay nako! hahaha... what can i say his good for
American people like him ya dig? i mean come on
... his not trying to offense someone or
anything.. like what marielle said his
stereotyping it.. im filipino and i speak fluent
tagalog.. lol

Vincent Keith Chan
This guy is good! haha

Jan Vincent de Leon
haha filipino accent? 27 lol

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