3ala Ma Yabdou- Casino du Liban [HQ]

22 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba, 03:30

2424 izlenme


صلاح الانصارى
صوت جميل

Amani Al-Sheerawi
على مايبدو اغنيه دمها
خفيف..واختيار ذكي لطيف
تتراقص على مسامعنا دون دفيف
ويستضيفها مجلسنا دون
عريف...فشكرا لك يا جولي حين
انطقتي شعوري..

Nedal Hamdan
you are always great...julia is messege of real

Zeineb Gh
‎3la ma yabdou enha men ajmal agani julia i
love it ♥ ♥ ♥

Samar Karem
‎3la ma ybdooooooooou

Fatma Ayari
على ما يبدو....أنني لا
أستطيع التوقف عن حبّك يا

Nada Samara
ya salam 3alaiky..:)

Mihir Sharma
hi how r u

Jesus Bautista
anybody know the name of the flute thing the guy
plays in the beginning?

ريتا ريمون سليمان
Yes Jesus it's called "Duduk"

Sameh Turki
nmout 3liha

Hamid Bibich

Saida Smida
rw3a julia

Sonia Zekri
yesser 7louwa..

Adoulette Ben Hamza
very nice

Ali Quandil
‎: wow !!!! I love you Julia Boutros :)))) You
Are the best ...(K)

Abdelwahab Amin
miss u julia nice song

Mustafa Karatürk
sanatçı, şarkı ve orkestra mükemmel. her
şey gerçekten şekl-u zarif.teşekkürler

Leo Salimeh

Mina Heshmat
***azing voice , unbelievable ...

Abel Fatah
what a surprise¡¡¡ its the first time that i
heard this, fantastic?¡¡¡.

Nousa Ines

Lalla Tifanny

Chiraz Charrouza
it's not surprising from such charming voice
a such lovely song

Rasha Abdelslam

Ibtissam Lara
i love you jolia

Benattou Firdaouss
NIIIIIIIIIIICE tbarkellah 3lik

Maha Odeh Zomot
Thanks for singing Julia ,keep it up

Amri Ines
a song that says all what a woman can think about
! sublime performance !

Sperpouhi Ploumploum
rien a adire magnifique

Rachida Lhimre
chanteuse exceptionnel

Rehamo Obeid
oh my God she is the best

Nada Samara
‎3ala ma yabdoo hawi 3'aram

Myra Abd
ala mayabdou hiya w sa chanson,son
interprétation et sa robe tayara ---- Des
couleurs sur Facebook : http://linkr.fr/faceplus

Rammou Chti
‎7louwaaaa !!

Sadem Uludokumaci
awesome voice, great orchestra... only one word:
WOW!do someone know the wind instrument at the
beginning of the song?

Roswitha Mansour
absolument fantastique!!!!!!

Sadem Uludokumaci
just found it :)) it's called
"duduk" and is a native Armenian wood
wind instrument... it sounds really good, but
Julia's voice is better :))

Majör Sanat
in a word, wonderful

Majör Sanat
في كلمة واحدة ، رائع

Fuat Duğan
ilk dinlediğimde çok etkilendim.

Bouchra Benamar
‎3ala mayabdo l'oghniya ra2i3a :D

Rim Kaabi
bravo julia c super ilove
juliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia.♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Canan Güler
Muhteşem :)

Mokhtar Eltohamy
ya salam 3alaiky

Bouthaina El Adib

Omar Gargouri
A consommer sans modération......

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