3D Trailer [HD]

25 Ağustos 2011 Perşembe, 02:30

927 izlenme


La'Ron Vernon Cooper
this is going to be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. movie

Manuel Ramirez Salazar
i love green lantern!!

Tre Santiago
Where can you get the Green Lantern's power
ring and battery in Oahu?

Robert Coates
I*** so looking forward to seeing this movie.This
summer gonna be great.

Joshua Bluemel
Martin Campbell> Matthew Vaughm

Louis Kane
‎2011 is the year of the corps

Nicolás Mauricio Cárdenas Portaccio
the best movie EVAR!!!!!

Michael McMann

Corey Lawson

Kori Damon Delpino
a trailer more than 2 minutes is always fun to

Kori Damon Delpino
it gets more epic, everytime a new trailer for
this movie is shown.

Eric Martial
This year, I`m going green! The movie looks
incredible, I can`t wait to see it, it will be

Anthony Jared
i thought it was the hole movie

Pati Faasisina Leo

Richard William Larsen
I love gl 3rd fav hero behing superman and batman
we are the core :) lol

Tre Santiago
This C.G.I thing payed off!I mean look at Green
Lantern's mask;it squints with his face like
a cartoon!

Edward Wando
Can't wait!

Mark Dasa
cant wait to see this movie in the philippines.
wow great movie

Mohammad Mansur
Awesomely Amazing and Astounding

Briana Trujillo
Ryan Renolds makes a Great Hal Jordan because
he's ***y and hot! :D

Benedict Checa

Parfumel Pavlik
R.Reynolds is perfect for this role -_-

Samm Morls
loveee ryan he's def *** great choice for hal
buttt he'd probably do better as kyle rayner.
alsooo wtf hal is supposed ro find abin sur in the

Tom Solomon

Gilbert Whiteside Jr.
Trailer looks great and the subject of FEAR is
very befitting in relation to the element of fear
circulating in the political arena here in the
United States. I think Ryan Reynolds is a good
choice to play the lead because he proved his
level of acting chops to me with his strong and
very believable performance in "Buried."

Manny E-Fly E Ten
Amazing that's all I *** to say can't
fn wait

Byron MacDougall
It would totally rock to be a GL....Show that
jagoff Sinestro what's what... Sector 2814
forever!!!!!!! willpower rules

Prediction:Parallax kills by instilling fear in
Green Lanterns (who are without fear). Abin Sur is
defeated and instructs the ring to choose wisely.
So it chooses Hal Jordan -- an odd choice since
humans have fear.The GLs are skeptical of H...

Scott Rickard
OUTSTANDING! Looks like its straight out of the

Fran Lxc
I recently went see Thor at HollyWood Theaters in
MorganTown (which had a good story) in 3D/RealD
and it was not even close to the 3D/RealD that I
am use to seeing. In a bad way. Hardly any
3D/RealD affects. I hope the new Green Lantern
movie will be awesome in 3D/RealD/

Melissa Griffin Johnson
I thought the Green Lantern was black. How did we
end up with this white guy. As if they could not
find a African American actor who could use a gig.
Geesh! I*** not going to see it on principle.

Frank Bennington
The original Green Lantern is white. The black
Green Lantern assumed the role after the original
one died/became corrupted. Check out the history
of the lanterns before you write off casting as
potentially racist.

Melina Castello

Randy Myers
Green Lantern has been my favorite Super Hero
since I was 9 years olld; that's 45 years-
GREEN LANTERN!!! He whipped Superman when Superman
went bad for a minute!!!

Vincent Yang
this movie is tight

Michael Grei
Can't wait to see it.. It looks great.....

Andrew Fox
Cant Wait....

Lilcalvin Watson
not i wish i was green lantner...i luv movies
llike this

Noel Joseph Libertino Bautista
reynolds *** a character both in marvel and dc.!
thats cool...

Kuda Naadi

Matt Francis
dude that part with the ground assault cannon was
so badass!!!

Yon Phu
really cool! wanna see it so soon

Harry Stone
in my language called : "SANG LENTERA

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