500 Days of Summer - Theatrical Trailer [HQ]

10 Temmuz 2010 Cumartesi, 09:46

1361 izlenme


Rachel Perkins Scarduzio
Looved this movie!!!!!!!!!!

David Gullotta
when its coming out here in italy?

Meg Alexander
I cannot wait!!!

Lisa Workman
hurry up already, movie

Jeremiah Graves

Geraline Arroyo
I'm already in luv with this movie from the
first teaser trailer! xD

Berd Vaval
Can't wait! It'll be an awesome
birthday gift.

Katie Larrabee
Such a good movie! Very funny and sad at the same
time. Saw it last weekend.

Julie Neustadter
there's a "like option...where is the
"love" option?

Laurie Cruz
I wanted to see this movie since Feb! I'm
psyched! :D

Elaine Zlaket
I can't wait to see it!

Jensen Wong
So want to watch this! Like right now. Why is
July so far away?!?!

Christian Cuba
Does anyone have a time machine so I can go to
July 17, 2009 RIGHT NOW?!?

Tim Q Nguyen
Advanced screening?! ANYWHERE?!! PLEASE?!!

Verónica Cevallos Rodríguez
He has all the t-shirts I want. LMAO

Caroline ✬ Malcolm
cute ♥

Anja Glušica
they actually make a great couple.i love him. :)

Sammy Baker Davis Jr.
they are aaahhh-dorable...

Holden McHugh
i loooooove zooey DesChanel soooo much

Simon Siao
Zooey Deschanel is so cute,this movie i
can't wait.....

Danielle Williams
I love this movie. I can't wait for it to
come out on DVD.

Aine Duffy
i love this movie so much,

Dotun Asunmo
hnmm i cant remember that scene where he saw
multiple summers on the bus, wonder if it was a
directors cut

Indi Carroll
cute as!

Kirstine Jade
niiiice.... ^_^

Merryl Talimayen
‎2 tumbs up! hope you guys watch it..

Halil İbrahim Öztürk
‎"to die by your side is such a heavenly
way to die" i love this movie and because of
this movie, i love the smiths (=

Antonella Camponero
Yes, the scene of multiple Summers was cut. I
never saw it!

Sıtkı Kemahlı
hahaha new girl nam's Autumn, starting the
new story to autumn...:D

Anaclaudia Loayza
The best movie ever (:

Halil İbrahim Öztürk
absulutely this is the best movie

Vinoth Radhakrishnan
wow wat a movie i ♥ it

Sang Wan Kim
she is sooooooo cute too hate.

Norhizawati 諾拉 Abdullah Sani
Oh my.. this is my vote for my sweet cupid on
Valentine Day 2010 babe!

Priscilla Montoya
Thats how I want to meet the love of my life. In
an elevator listening to the Smiths. [sighhh]

Jonathan Yee

Martín Ernesto
la música está increíble, y la película tb :)

Erşan Sabancıoğlu
must see..."Don’t struggle so much, best
things happen when not expected."

Rhoel Marty E. Junio
Why do you come hereWhen you know it makes things
hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?You
had to sneak into my room...'just' to
read my diary"It was just to see, just to
see"(All the things you knew I'd written
about you...)Oh, so many illustrationsOh,
butI'm so very sickenedOh, I*** so sickened

Phil Softa
one of my fave movies<333

Jorge M***es Ortiz

Logan Profitt
this and the hangover r the best movies!

Lisa Gaskell
Great movie! I can relate to both side of this...

Manuela Saldana
oopps i think i might be tom :O

Ivan Hernandez
my life that¨s my life....dreamer ;/

Joe GLnews
that's actually a "lovestory" I
can absolutely relate to..

Simon Hsiao
Zooey Deschanel is so cute,this movie i can't

Danielle Williams
I love this movie. I can't wait for it to
come out on DVD.

Aine Duffy
i love this movie so much,

Dotun Asunmo
hnmm i cant remember that scene where he saw
multiple summers on the bus, wonder if it was a
directors cut

Indi Carroll
cute as!

Kirstine Jaide
niiiice.... ^_^

Merryl Talimayen
‎2 tumbs up! hope you guys watch it..

Halil İbrahim Öztürk
‎"to die by your side is such a heavenly
way to die" i love this movie and because of
this movie, i love the smiths (=

Antonella Camponero
Yes, the scene of multiple Summers was cut. I
never saw it!

Sıtkı Kemahlı
hahaha new girl nam's Autumn, starting the
new story to autumn...:D

Anaclaudia Loayza
The best movie ever (:

Halil İbrahim Öztürk
absulutely this is the best movie

Vinoth Radhakrishnan
wow wat a movie i ♥ it

Sang Wan Kim
she is sooooooo cute too hate.

Nora Izah
Oh my.. this is my vote for my sweet cupid on
Valentine Day 2010 babe!

Priscilla Montoya
Thats how I want to meet the love of my life. In
an elevator listening to the Smiths. [sighhh]

Jonathan Yee

Martín Ernesto
la música está increíble, y la película tb :)

Erşan Sabancıoğlu
must see..."Don’t struggle so much, best
things happen when not expected."

Esteban Dominguez
i fell in love of this movie haha

Rhoel Marty E. Junio
Why do you come hereWhen you know it makes things
hard for me ?When you know, ohWhy do you come ?You
had to sneak into my room...

Phil Soffiaturo
one of my fave movies<333

Jorge M***es Ortiz

Logan Profitt
this and the hangover r the best movies!

Lisa Gaskell
Great movie! I can relate to both side of this...

Manuela Saldana
oopps i think i might be tom :O

Ivan Hernandez
my life that¨s my life....dreamer ;/

Joe GLnews
that's actually a "lovestory" I
can absolutely relate to..

Brandi Mladenich
I agree, most realistic love story I have

Nusorn Thupkom
Life is a movie that matches the real.

Hernan Alfonso
muy recomendable , genial !!

Alex Camargo
The best film ever seen in my whole life ! :)

Jean Pierre Begazo
‎33 times and still good!!! holly shit lol

Sandra Quellmalz
what a beautiful movie!

Cintia Carosini
Excelente!!! entretenida y con m***eja! (más de
una, quizás..)

Camelia 'bolang' Jonathan
Zooey Deschanel maybe too different from katy
perry...but JGL's voice, stare, everything
look just like Heath Ledger for real...OMG, this
is freaky!

Carloss Sifuentes
great film

Luis Garcia
me enamore de la pelicula porque me hizo recordar
ese sentimiento de realmente estar vivo, excelente
guion cada palabra me recordo a ella, como a
muchos seguramente,So Great!! you couldn't
have found better leading actors

Alfredo Mañon
formidable una buena mescla de ilucion y
desiluciones por que alguna ves vivimos o
viviremos algo similar fantastica pelicula

Alan Godinez Rodriguez
Excelente Película, mi Favorita hasta ahorita

Elena Ortega
amoo esa pelicula, mi favorita

Vineeth B.R
amazing movie :)

Vinod Kumar
coincidence, a great thing to learn from this

Aldo Rahmandana
i love zooey deschannel...she is so BEAUTIFUL..

Elvira Oliva
una delicia de película :) :) :)

Carlos Colores Diaz Gonzalez
i love ilove the picture of the music todo gran

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