A Better Man Playing For Change featuring Keb' Mo' [HQ]

26 Aralık 2009 Cumartesi, 21:53

2030 izlenme


Sonia Cure
Good, very good, thank you!! This song just makes
me happy...

Gale McCullough

Quenlla Stutzer

Plin Acevedo

Julien Fravelles
Great, nnothing else to add except GREAT

Georgia View
My "happy shot" for the day! Thank
you!!! Keb' Mo' -- I ♥ You!! ;)
Watch for the little girl at 3:30

Roger Roach
-Like to see Keb' Mo', Ry Cooder, and
the PFC ensemble do a classic 60's number
like Chain Gang or Time is on Our Side.

Claudia Bennett
Fantastic. You made my day this morning!

Deborah Kintigh Estell
loved it!

John Cairncross
Can't help but smile!!! :>)

Roisin Walsh
Livin up Live Aid...

Kathy Lombardi
Great video! I LOVE this song & listen to the
CD every day! "Gonna make myself a better

Lisa Alaiana Leon
Music makes the world a better place

Madlen Otyan-Karakas
"smile on my face" - great relaxing cool
song !!!

Olivier Carouge
Merci pour tous ces moments !!!!

Marylee Mogil
Fantastic, loved it!

Maryanne Toups
I Love This Video!!!!!!!!!

Diego Gigante
Increible!!! Muchas gracias por compartirlo con
los***antes de la buena musica... Saludos queridos

Gary Stelter
One of my favorites!!

Cliff Hammond
If the rest of the documentary is like this, how
can I order it?

Yusuf Hasirci
oo yeah superrrr

Selenge Banu Uyanık Akşahin
great !

Jeff Phaneuf
Listen to this song every morning to get me
focused and going!

Johannes Schölch-Mundorf
Welch Ausdruck von Lebensfreude :-)

Marie-Laure Guillamat
Tellement émouvant !

Tere Kipp
Great song!

Matias Pizarro
Apoyo y dibulgo, gracias!!

Stefanie Damm
LOVE this song and*** so pleased that there is now
a video for it. Got your DVD/CD pack sent from
the US (I*** in Scotland) and will need to get the
updated one! Please come over to the UK!

NDesigns Printing
wonderful video

Connie Richardson
wonderful song...makes me want to dance!

Riadh Kalthoumi
Really great!!!

Marie-Laure Guillamat
This song is beautiful ! Thank you !

Tugay Dnf Topuz
so good.!!

Maria Jose Balmori Bueno

Claude Pimentel
perfect ideas,,,nice one...good job's....

Susie McLenaghan Cohrs
Beautiful! And another fine example of the
talented Keb' Mo'..

Laure Roubertie
Mon Dieu que c'est bon!!

Danny Subbotin
its good!!!! very happy song!

Davide Torti
I feel so damn good after listening to that song!

Silvina Biott
Muy bueno!!!!

Jose Rafael Romero Anaya
!Fabolous! Absolutely Beautiful!.

Katja Espiand
six billion of thanks for your beautiful souls!

Sandrine Andre
Can't help moving my feet !!! J'adore

Lamy Joel
I'm full of emotion, thks a lot for this ...
please more. C'est tout simplement fabuleux!

Dulce Gonçalves
Obrigada pela vossa fantástica música!

Debi Oberlin
This one has to be one of my

Salman Khan
this is heaven :)

Nel Siaila
Heeerlijke muziek

Samuele Tassinari

Firdevs Sema Tatli
thank you for music and wonderful smiles!!!

Leslie Ann Kellenbeck
Keb Mo played at the Music Hall in Portsmouth.
Darn.. I missed that one.

Love Keb' Mo... great harmonies and smiling

Samuel Eugene Byker

Gotta love Keb' Mo'!

Justine Wagner

Makes me smile just watching it!

Leah Nelson
love his voice... can't wait for thier

Hester Fuller
cd is good

this makes my world a better place! : )

Lynn Tieman Gottwalt
Can't help but smile...

Just received the new Playing for Change Peace
Through Music DVD yesterday. I watched it last
night, it is awesome!

Kimberly Young
LOVE THIS !!! The band needs to come to

This song and video have my vote!!! Playing for
Change... you are awesome!!!

Keep that smile on your face!!

You can't help but SMILE, thanks!

Jim Cannon

Sonda Rocchio
Love this! God Bless our Planet!

making it better one strum at a time!!!-love this

Frank Butcher
from listing to this i have come to realize that
playing for change has not reached the top of
their game yet keep up the great work :-) i wish i
could see them live . maybe someday they will come

Sparky Witte
I think it should be PRAYING FOR CHANGE!

Quach Phan Van Khanh
Love all clips! Let raise my spirit. Love to see
all smiles on their face, they make me feel happy
day by day =)

Bev DeVore
Of course Keb' Mo' and playing for
change! Right on!

AMAZING GUYS!!! keep searching and still playing.
You´re not enough yet...

Love Keb Mo!!

Rita Lee Oliver
Oh it'd be so***azing taggin along with you
guys and just meeting the people you meet and all
their talents. You guys should do a promotional
thing where the winner DOES get to do that,
it'd spread the word all over and give
someone such an***azingggg experience. Luvin it!

Connie Heizer
Keb Mo has been a favorite of mine and I'm so
glad to see him working with this group! His
voice is one of a kind, smooth as velvet!

Heather Stewart
I love this guy's voice...soulful

This is so beautiful. I love this playing for
Change music and videos. Love ya'll this is
so uplifting!

Wow, what a voice, every song/video moves you to
tears. Makes you realize that we HAVE to make
this a better place.

Craig Blasko
Does not get any better than this!

Awesome! Keep them coming!

Liam Randall
yes indeed. a highlight of my day.

Alayna Uhrig
I love this song! I think I'm going to wear
out the CD by playing that song too much (and also
One Love). :)

Fanny Rengasamy
For those who wake up every morning, telling
themselves 'this world sucks'. this clip
can teach loads of thing and show you how this
world is wonderful and what a beautiful
life.....Keep da Faith

Thirdz Castillo
make this world a better place..yeah!!keep a smile
on ur face!!!

Noel Menon
very nice!

Robyn Sears
love this song!

James Michael Hackney
I've made this song my personal anthem.

Bastian Moreau
splendide, apaisant, encourageant!!! keep playing
and we will change!! One world.... ours...

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