A HUGE New Year's Eve Main Event on WWE Friday Night SmackDown! [HD]

04 Ocak 2011 Salı, 18:12

1216 izlenme


Dorian Williams
All of them suck RANDY ORTAN Is AND All ways be

Owais Bhat
‎@attiq. Watch it on tv when it is aired.

Gaurav Ahir
it would have been better if it had been a fatal
4 way non-titles bout

Adetola Oluwaseun
Let d best team win

Adolf Ernesto Mwangi
cant wait

Beyioku Jerry Saheed
I love Alberto Del Rio...is a future Wrestler..

Fujel Raza
Alberto luks lik dog

Ivan Francisco Vargas Huerta
Alberto Del Rio, the best WWE wrestler, a
guarantee of real wrestling, suffice to say that
is the nephew of the living legend Mil Mascaras!!
////Alberto Del Río, el mejor luchador de WWE,
una garantía de verdadera lucha libre, basta con
decir que es sobrino de la leyenda viviente Mil
Mascaras !!!!

Keith Smith
Del rios father is a ledgend to dos casas sr

Keith Smith
Del rio danial bryan cm punk are the three best
wwe workers

Raul Marroquin
‎@keith. Hell Yeah to that man..

Nex Umbras
Edge and Mysterio? Holy hell, they haven't
teamed in how long. Good pairing though.

Suraj Jain
edge spear and 619 will be storming on them

Fujel Raza
Cm punk wl b vanish

Joris Sutera Sardo
Alberto del rizzoto

Rauf Almemmedov
Rey will win edge.619

David Abraham
CM Skunk and Alberto del Stinko could very well
team up together, since they share the same
characteristics, they are both just a bunch of

Othniel Nee-koteifio Kotey
‎619 and spear shd be tolerant 2 each other

Aryan Wadhawan
Dalrio is a cheater!

Nikky Gore
it would be better if alberto del rio wasnt ther
that guy pisses me of, he thinks his all dat cause
his rich like who the *** cares, and his not even
handsome for me his ugly ass ***, like dat guy
needs to stfu oh and his announcer im glad he ***
a big black eye he deserves it fukin moron. i hope
rey mysterio beats the crap out of him so i can
see alberto get beat up cause does kind of people
that think they are like tht they piss me off

Jeffrey Enigmatic
cena suck

Brian Booker
Cena is good, why are hacken' on him.

Don Ahmed
Holly Molly

Tekler Balázs

Jorge Mendoza Hernandez
viva alberto del rio abajo ese enano de rey

Maikls Klunkins
i hate alberto del rio i hope that rey mysterio
makes a perfect 619 to him

Ellis Graham
Mek it a no dq elimanation

Daniel Baon

Hector Ivan Acevedo Cataldo

Saturday Sky

Showstopper Johnson
Cena tops Rey and Del Rio

Dakmats Wew
i love all wwe superstars exept derio

Hassan Abu Baker

Daniel Pelli
bu del rio

Muaaz Awan
hope to see Kane as main event er and re-mask

William Werin
im like rey best

Chuks Morrison
One day i know by d grace of God i will be in
america and watch wwe live. Not like it

Carl Wallace
I enjoyed last weeks SD. Poor Cody, I hope he
gets even with the Big Slow or poor sport.

Austin Campbell
ray is cool

Emir Yaran
‎1,2,3 rey mysterio the underdog I love that

Yücel Murat Çorbacı
vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy yv yv

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