A new YAB BTS aired on Mnet Japan !!

30 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi, 16:42

794 izlenme


Irene Filberta
I like the part when GMN shook the cola for HTK
^^1... 2... 3... DHUAARRRR... X)

Lee Yana Chan
what a cutie PSH..JGS n PSH ♥ it

Novi Suryani
Oppa,can u email to me for All Part 8 in Mp4
format pleasee??My mail address :
nofee_dr_misshermomsomuch@yahoo.co.id..thank u
soo much Oppa!

Joonwoo Jung
‎@Novi check your email, please :)

Girlie Salonga Moore
Joonwoo Thank you so much for posting these BTS.
I enjoy them a lot.

Vivian Huang
oohh, love them......love them a lot. oppa, thank
you for sharing.

She Way
oppa, permission 4 tagging this video, thanks

Joonwoo Jung
‎@She You can tag everything related YAB
from my fb :)

She Way

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