Abbasağalı Servet ve Kardeşleri Votkayla kafa kırarken beste

04 Ekim 2010 Pazartesi, 09:11

654 izlenme


Emir Yavuz ।૧૦კ ᴮᶨᴷ

'Ali KapŁan
Favori Bestemm Cok qüzeL Yüreqine S***Lık .

BuSe E. Çimen
En Fenası Bu hea ;) =D

Gökhan Sezer
Yüreğine SağLık ...Çok Fena Döktürmüşün

Mc Hidra
eLLerine saglık super ;)

Okan Bahar
ellerine saglık agzına saglık abbasağalı :)

Station Ahmedy
‎10 Numara Helal Olsun

Emre Arqın
I can not console my heart with longing for my
lifeuyuyamamki sad without you at nightscreen
support religion tears to my eyeswait a farewell
from me to your back dönve çekgit...I***
currently adding on to ask me my nameWhat's
in my own life came last SennsizI thought I was
alone in the world of happy oldumuBestenın Kolpa
love all of these words gelsinnthe everyday pains
of the night and day in a comanolmuş dungeon
without you in my laneI've for***ten the name
of delirium sansandaI beg God to end this ordeal
anymoreLife did not get my life was the
separationWeed ruffled yellow vein needle wasIt
reminded a little love in the parks was up all
night2 hours later when my mind took everythingIf
I hold in what I'm used to lonelinessThere
certainly is not big or out of troubleI'm
taking along a beach redbullvotkaIf they ask me to
you in another dimension inDinleyinFonetik olarak

Enes İmanlı
hll abi

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