AIESEC International Internships

05 Şubat 2011 Cumartesi, 01:12

1250 izlenme


Vlad Pascu
Ce tare!! Nu il stiam! :)

Mona Constantinescu
multumesc diana.:)avem recrutare acum, in aiesec
bi (oslo, norvegia)

Urs Schweigert
Hi I really like that !!! YESSSS INDIAAAAAA!!!!!

Diana Zaharia
‎@Mona E foarte tare filmuletul! Exprima
exact ceea ce inseamna programul de

Vlad Negrea
l-am pus si eu share pe profilul meu :) e f tare
!Yes ! eXchange :D !

Oana Sirbu
F. misto.

Mona Constantinescu
e foarte adevarat, dar aici*** intampinat
reticenta.*** avut perioada de promovare pana
ieri. scoala este mult mai grea, adica e foarte
mult de citit iar studentii nu prea au cum sa
plece in exchange. multe aplicari sunt bifate
pentru la va...

Richard Lucht
Hey guys!!!!I loooooooooooooooooooooove you!!!
Finally a professional video that shows in a
proper way what we are doing. Pleas, please
contact me and tell me how you did that. That we
can provide the network with more such great
videos!!! ...

Sydney Luong
This is such a great video.. having done an
internship myself, it is difficult to really
capture the potential and the exposure these
internship provide. AIESEC is so much more than
meets the eye that everyone has to experience it
to truly realize what a great network and system
is available

Lukas Brosig
feeling like a local...i really like that one.
It's just so true!

Sandra Gegenfurtner
A really really good video:)

Anya Dvornikova
hey!that's really great video!!if you
don't mind other countries to use this, is it
possible to download it somehow??

Yulia Razumova
Jirka, thats cool to see you in this cool

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