AMC TV Interviews Rob and The Eclipse Cast

24 Haziran 2010 Perşembe, 10:24

856 izlenme


Debbie Coles-Higgins
I've just named my beautiful puppy Bella ♥
!! lol

Synthu Jas Cullen
n I named by puppy ♥ Rob ♥ ... :D ♥

Amelia Choudhary
can u suggest me a name..?

Salima Kara ッ
Hehe love this ♥

Debbie Coles-Higgins
Emmie= short for Emmett!

Debbie Coles-Higgins
More for a girl though, i think! If i had a boy
dog he was going to be Edward (Ed) or Cullen!! sad
yes, my kids think so!! lol xxx

Synthu Jas Cullen
How abt "Edi" ...??? :D

Melissa Forti
i called my cat jasper

Konstantina Cullen Pattinson
my puppy's name is Bella! :D

Jamie Thompson Halstead
I have a all white dog EDWARD!!! :)

Amelia Choudhary
hahaha.....i suggest Stephenie to write a
dog-bitch love story!!!

Sofia Nikolaou
i called my litle cats edi bella jasper and emmet

Debbie Coles-Higgins
I've just named my beautiful puppy Bella ♥
!! lol

Cynthia Jas Cullen
n I named by puppy ♥ Rob ♥ ... :D ♥

Amelia Choudhary
can u suggest me a name..?

Salima Kara
Hehe love this ♥

Debbie Coles-Higgins
Emmie= short for Emmett!

Debbie Coles-Higgins
More for a girl though, i think! If i had a boy
dog he was going to be Edward (Ed) or Cullen!! sad
yes, my kids think so!! lol xxx

Cynthia Jas Cullen
How abt "Edi" ...??? :D

Melissa Forti
i called my cat jasper

Konstantina Pattinson
my puppy's name is Bella! :D

Jamie Thompson
I have a all white dog EDWARD!!! :)

Amelia Choudhary
hahaha.....i suggest Stephenie to write a
dog-bitch love

Sofia Nikolaou
i called my litle cats edi bella jasper and emmet

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