Arjun & Arohi's Salsa Dance Scene

12 Mart 2011 Cumartesi, 03:08

646 izlenme


Afsha Habib
i luved itthey both r soo cute

Ash Fizza
his charactEr is lyke Sujal in Kahin To Hoga ..
balaji tele films :P

Afsha Habib
ur riteit seems lyk that sumtyms

Ash Fizza
yup!cox its balaji tele films :P

Disha Doshi
awesome dance....

Vorood Ahsan

Tooba Yousuf

Kashifa Jaan
i luvvvvvv the salsa dance!!!all is awesom....the
dialogs the moves the expressoinss..............

Nida Ansari
i luvv dis part......................

Nusrath Zarah
im just crazy abt this dance

Surbhi Garg
same here

Afra Rashid

Ankita Panchal
ek pal k liya zindegi dedu bus itni mohabbat

Ameera Heer Butt
Haa II Luv Dat Scene..... Dey Actually Learnt How
2 Do Dat Dance =]

Hafsa Fatima
g lay.........

Retika Khan
the scenes where the two learns salsa is also very
funny ..heehe .. i had a blast watching arohi and
arjun learn to dance salsa.. tooo cuteee

Priyanka Chaudhary
i just love this episode

Roop Cheema
god i just love dis scene very much...

Nessma Pari
this is my fevert 4 ever ek dil ke liye dunya ek
pal ke liye zindagibas itini mohabbat hai this is
what i love in KMH

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