Avenged Sevenfold - Seize The Day [Live In The LBC]

15 Ekim 2010 Cuma, 15:02

1270 izlenme


IyYan Rian Fachriansyah
wa ngfans berat ma a7x,,,,,,,,,,,,

Abhe Foldcaholic

Carlos Lopez
The best of A7X xD

Dhan'Qeur Ir'one
awesome pisan eeeyyyyy!!!

Jennifer Hoth
i just dont like it i love it . so glad you guys
are back out on the phucking road

Flor Andrea Serrano Calderón
♥ ♥ cuteee!!!

Haidar Sevenfoldizme
asli cool bangeeeedh

Opuz Siap Tempur
wouwwwwwwwww keren....

Ariif Barker Destruzzio
i like it .

Daniel Wakaka

Bono Okinawa
***azing song!

Raider Asu

Rizky Ichwan Hermawan Setiaswan
coooll.......your Jonny Christ,,,,

Marinella Bedeleva
♥♥♥ a melody a memory or just one

LetJend' AdhyChemicalsevenfoldism
I like............ SiEze THE dAy,,,,,

Marinella Bedeleva
it's sEIze the day .............!

Muhammad Yosi
i like it....

Zack Cham Zack
krenz cuy

Maxime Blogie
I play it in live cover , what an awesome solo !
:) syn ;)

Bacon Putra Gempol
favorite song....

Doni Fazsry Arsenal
is the cool vidio

Zacky Shawn
im like it ..........n videox co0l bngtz ,,,,,, p
lg ad zacky vengeance ......mlah co0l abiez

Dizzy Stradlin
im better than m. shadows..^^

Synyster Mansur Gates
my song...

Aliee Fallen Sevenfoldism
i love a7x so much....!!!

Rickey Stemm
Jimmy's voice is so powerfull in almost
every song RIP...I love avenged but u cant replace
that voice...

Christian Ott
I have close to all their songs and I still
haven't found one I don't like

Fikri Chipmunks Deathbat
I like tis in the song song seize the day so
sweeta7x rock

Hhee Nndd Rraa
I really like this

Alex Zoekam Trox
i like a7x rockerz dont tell mee

Nanjar TheHuricane
I'like A7X,,,,,,very like...

Parhe Kezo Chann Nyathhu
so very very like

Rendis See Budax BaNdunx
a7x ai lope you FuLLLLL..

Sandar Inginhdupdiiakhirat
seize the day...............hari baru untuk dunia
yg bahagia.................

Ogie Kristian
seize THE day ..........k'ren'z

Kessy Cissy Chele D'aveiro
‎.keren keren .kaya diaaa ???

Xeroden Zx
ai lope u a7x

ChRizstianh Pangeran Kesiangan
beuuhhgghhh keren mamen.

Rendis See Budax BaNdunx
wanjrOOOTTTsss cakeps bgt....seeeeppp
lLLaaggghhh,,,,LuPh oEEE eeaaa..

Rahman Sulivan
i love this song mantapz deh wat avenged

Nurul Solidarity WithSevenfoldism

Ndiiee Sevenfold
gue bngettzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Rendis See Budax BaNdunx
anjrot aing pisan etamah...

Dhayoy Portnoy

Surga Hati
good my brow,thankks

Surga Hati

Go Mi Nam
but country,,,hoooOOoooTTTT......!!!!

Van de Cool
gw bnget....

Surga Hati
***azing brow,god luck

Awie Funk GilanNya
i like it, i love them A7XGOOD LOCKLUCKY,,

Yorum Ekle

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