Avril Lavigne Unwanted Live [HQ]

27 Mart 2011 Pazar, 22:23

618 izlenme


CmRé AsLan
teşk.edrim cnm ♥ =))

Elizabeta Kukic
best song ever..♥

rica edrim ♥ =))

Souma Rokéùse
best song ever..♥ ♥♥♥

Andy Kiryu Chaan

Betül Akkuş
ı love youuu avrill rock foreverr :D:D

Betül Akkuş

Meme Ibrahim

AŞmàe Goùàiir
i love u avril lavigne you are the best forever

Mustafa Sedat Güvenç
Amazing bb.Congr....

Sarah Adams
Adore avril lavigne till the end of my time ♥but
actually i don't like this song much ! -.-But
the rest of all her songs I ADORE THEM ♥

Diiana LeOn
‎(: Good good (LikE)

Aniizz Faarro WiiLiiams
i LooVee Youu Avril!!

Eslam Ekram
Avril you are the best ♥♥

Andres Lavigne De Lee
Unwanted ♥

Bousola Laila
you the beste aavrile...love you soo

Enox Adjah
you best singer in the world... ♥♥♥

AnnIe Six

Mayra Guadalupe Telechea Trasviña
i like

Lynd Edden Cagalawan
cool......i like it

Maria Boucht

Michelina Lusia Kartika Ratri
I LIKE IT!!!!! ♥

Marija Kraljević
soooo good!! AvRiL :D

Trequartista Lutfy Milanisti
kerEn abizzzzz.....!!!!!

Betül Akkuş

Bell Candi
the great singer ever ♥

Lara Bejaoui

Hela Sneni

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