Bad Romance Parody [HQ]

20 Haziran 2010 Pazar, 23:50

1395 izlenme


Ertuğrul Erdoğan

Martin Rigler
very very best!!

Ng David the best hope more to come...:P

Jocelyn Millare
Its wonderful..I love it !!!

Tarnai Zoltán

Rolf Grundke

Katrina Aycardo Dizon
i so so lurve it!! boys doing badromance.. cute!

Tuấn Anh Lê
hay qua

Ertuğrul Erdoğan

Martin Rigler
very very best!!

Ng David the best hope more to come...:P

Jocelyn Millare
Its wonderful..I love it !!!

Tarnai Zoltán

Rolf Grundke

Katrina Aycardo Dizon
i so so lurve it!! boys doing badromance.. cute!

Tuấn Anh Lê
hay qua

Andrea Aďa Gašparíková Beňačková
to nema chybu,ga-ga sa môže schovať.....

Diyana Maya

Marcin Rutkowski
haha :D great !

Aaron Garcia Pérez
hahh! that's awesome man x))!

Xiumin Fartfart
hahahha dey are so bonded

Angel Yoo
haha that's called remix babe !! they put
pokerface kinda mixed into bad romance awesome!

Pavla Vandíková
it is beautifull!!!! :-))

Dušan Napoleon Kliment
very good special

Norashikin Ismail
its great!!! i want more n more...

Lukáš Němec
This is super

Orit Gamliel אורית גמליאל

Ðev Mukèrjèè
i love it ♥ :D :D

Ian Jackson
superb effort!!!

Flutterby Gee
Nice one XXX

Mohammad Basiony
Thar's absolutely entertaining .

Oliver Twist
looool ... They are awesome n very Talent ...
so0o0o funny much better Lady G :))))

Lawson Cheong

Reita Ritzou
Looolololollloooll...... Very Unique......... So
funny...... LMFAO

Haggeo Perez
foolss...making urself very crazy.. but nice voice
huh.. idol

Kathryn Breda
This is the best I have seen. It makes me laugh
every time I watch it and they sing wonderfully.
just love it! More...need more of these guys


Marián Glonek
S U P E E E E E R ! ! ! !

Mohamad Khaled Sharif
so perfesionalvery fantasticwonderfulli dont
knowwhat i say?:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Jorge Luzar

Mirka Mydlarikova
super gaga na dovolenku

Kathleen Lopes
What men don't know is that women are CRAZY
for men courageous, silly, talented enough to
dance, sing, put themselves out there! These guys
are THE BOMB!!!

Pedro Oliveira
very good!who are actors?heheh

Niken Widiadnyana
wahahalike it so much ! :D

Zuzana Peštová
Sou fakt super :-)

Zuzana Peštová
Ty měli jít do talent manie!!! :-)

Jaroslava Orosic
Je to bomba,uz som sa dlho tak dobre
nezasmiala.hahaha super:)

Aniela Thorup

Eva Vorosová
už som si prehrala aspon 10 krát a neviem sa
toho nabažiť, stále mi to spôsobuje
bezhraničný stav smiechu, niekedy hraničiaci
so stavom extázy..... nemá to chybu.....!!!!

Veri Do Nal

Esma Büşra Ankay
güzel yapmışlar hacı :D

Mary Joy Ramos
ang galing ........nice one guys

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