Behind the Backboard [HQ]

09 Ocak 2010 Cumartesi, 18:25

1359 izlenme


Matan Michaeli
and who said the cavs were going to beat the
nuggets? They didn't. lol. NUGGETS!!!!

Catalina Fuentes

Chris Brown Fleep
kobe did that first

Alejandro Minera
kobe is stupid

Filip Zeljko
LeBron is king kobe popi govno

Chris Sullivan
000hh shit

Mehdi Mohamdi

Alperen Özkağnıcı
vovvv fantastic

Janci Hamara
awesome :D

Joseph Gould
The chosen one.

Nicolendy Kong
it is just***azing, how can he do dat

Hardrock Abdallah Nahal
yeah i ♥ lebron james

Elias Lartey
he is boss!!!

Shimon Sant
Nice Shot !

Angella Njoroge
what do i say?? LBJ is da king 4 sho

Marcelo Craviotto
Le Blow Job..

Johnlee Lim

Chessie Tolop
a lot better than Kobe's :)

Fady Samy
soooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

Mhar Rodriguez

Tomás Costa Neves
holy shit

Ak Grizz
Too ***in smooth, yea Kobe did it like 2 weeks
ago but James just looks better doing it... Guess
all those trick shots pay off in the long run

Vincent Castro
nah so***azing but i still want Kobe. ahaha damn
so***azing good job

Ömer Çetin

Ufuk Kayhan
a deli çocuuuk!1!

Dakota Sweeney
☻//▌/ \

Michelle Reveron
eso quedo de showww, claro si tenia q ser el !!!
el mejorrrr LEBRON JAMES

Luis Jose Palma

Jayvin Vajayjay Card
I taught him that.

Javier Alcivar

Fahim Khan
fukin wanabii copying kobe lol

Jonathan Friser
lo odio, la de kobe fue mucho mejor (L)

Ahlai Kor
wow~nice shoot

Gilles Hubert
Just like kobe bryant

Daniel Rojas
copiandole a kobe!

Joshua Yao
haha...not copying kobe...LJ faded...Kobe *** an
easy angle...watev, behind backboard shots are
overrated but overall that was a nice shot and
definitely harder as far as skill goes than

Baker Khojah
Oooooooooh! lebron james rules!

Jonathan David Machado Rojas
muy bueno!!!!!

Sashka Chitaishvili

Henry Andres Gallego Giraldo
is the best...

Yunus Zengin
You're not super super great but lebron is

Bakary Diawara
very good 20/20

Viktor Drenkov
lebron is the best

Leandro Damasceno
kkk no wordsss !

Jad Abou Rjeily
Believe the unbelievable!! mech tabi3e

Gabriel Sadoun
he makes this thing look like a routine shot!
that's whats***azing

Edgar Radhames Encarnacion Rosario
Lebron is the best

Rapito Maldito
woow!like kobe did!

Flex Kavana
For fck's sake this is Lebron's shot not
Kobe's so you Homers can STFU give credit
when its due.

Lee Lee 'Chuchi'
i likin this shot yo!

Will Carter
a copy cat?? no he just did what he had to do and
what he did was ill.

William Richard
birds was kewler

Unes Frei
***! it's possibl

Jo***uin Dufrechou
ajaja q mostro

Romer Millo Paguyo
king james is d man!!

Yohji Espeleta Sakuma
awesome shot!

Karen Cruz Hopkins
kobe the past ! lebron jame is now!!! dont HATE !!
lmfas MVP all the way!!

Miguel Angel Viera Orozco
que bravo eres eres lo mejor que hay en la nba

Tetch Laus
king james!!!!!

Ignacio Moreno
ya se tiene que copiar de koby

Elvis Laya
el rey jame el mejorrrrr de lo mejorrrrr mvp

Clayton Le Sann
Yo , lebron just did the same thing that Kobe ....

Mohmmad Obaid Elamin

Kareem Mohmed
kobe copy nt more !!! but kobe was way better !!

Sage Cruz

Hıdır Kocyigit
first tıme do ıt kobe . later do lebron :D

Gökhan Köktaş

Maxim Marković
KOBE IS GODLIKE, and this gey has no any contact
with BASKETBALL!!!!!!!!!!!

Fy Anicet Johnny Rakotozafy

Gonzalo Díaz Azúa
A lo kobe bryant no mas jajajaj

Wilfredo Salgado
Copiaa a kobe !

Ozzy Kun
pak ! LOL .

Jian Javier
ngaung season b yn mga tol?? imba nman

Roger Gon
flipaaa colegaa!

Anar Khalilzade
no way! Nicee shot)

James Hill
im sorry but king james does better dunks than

Shivang Ram
wow.. what a shot..!

Duca Pelli
the best, duca from italy

Bakary Traoré
waw! it's a mistik shot!

Andreas Nikantzam
LOVESTORY~~ ♥♥ A girl asked a guy if he
thought she was pretty and hesaidno. She asked him
if he would want to be with her forever and
hesaidno. She then asked him if she were to leave
would he cry, and onceagainhe replied with a no.
She h...

Matthew Tam
what a nice shot!!!

Reda Kobe
there was a and 1 on kobee so it was more
difficulttt kobee for shoooo

Esma Tuğcu
aie!! lebron

Terry Chen

Christian Bryant Smith
kobe didnt do this first... Bird did then Mj, then
Kobe, then Lebron

Kadeem Weston
i think lebron is better than kobe.

Marvin James Curtis
Yes he is !

Drekara Anderson
trying to copy KOBE

Wes Burton
thats rite.

Karim Khalifi
http://www.basketfeminin.f​r/ Nba News

Ramadian Nusaputra Bey
no..kobe still better

Vangelis Makris
FUCK LEBRON MAN!!!!!!!!!!! kobe tha best!! nuff

Süleyman Emre Satar
He is better than Kobe

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