Bir Zahmet - Kör Adam ( YENI )

11 Ocak 2010 Pazartesi, 04:50

2000 izlenme


Ghada DooDou Ghada DooDou

Sunny Goronyo
he , she is really a real woman , she is a good
actres , ilike the way she play a very good
role in a searl sulzi nad bosfora

ساره الزامل
very nice i like you ece Good luck always love you
all Arabsseee you:*)

Ayhan Demir
Aşığım sana

Marwa Mema
ece you are the best

Ghada DooDou Ghada DooDou
nicei love ece uslu

Rona Ece
ilove you ece

Sama Atef

Kaly Tebe
you are beautiful woman and i miss you

Sara Bt
you're the bestfor the world you are
somebody..but for somebody you arethe world

Maya Biba Bf
bsr ca va c moi maya slm

Maya Biba Bf
love so mush ece where are for the love of god ?
im done waiting for you i dont have any more
Patience left

Zenab Zubedat
i love ece and this series a great nice your star
ece i love you

Zenab Zubedat
i love ece and this series a great nice your star
ece i love you

Zenab Zubedat
i love ece and this series a great nice your star
ece i love you

Marwa Mema
I love you so much and I eant to know any thing
about you new play...

Dadi III

Remzi Pekel
almanyadan selam,, bende size olan hayranligimi
belirtmek isterim,, yakinen tanismak isterdim
sizinle,, eger cevap gelirse daha cok mutlu olurum
tskler :)

Sad Heart
ليلي او ايس فنانه كتير
ومحبوبه وكتير حلوه انا
بحبها كتير الله يوفقها يس
للاسف ما شفت اللقاء تبعاها
في القناه التركيه العربيه

رفو الاعظمي
مساء الورد يا احلى وارق ام
جسدتي الدور بروعه فائقه
ابكيتينا معك وافرحيتنا
معكيقبلاتي لك i love yourafah

Noor Ali
ece uslu جميلة وجوهرة السينما

Ceren Yuvarlak
ya bnde sizi çk sevıorum szi grdğmde çk

Ajlin Sulejmani
you are very beautyful

Ajlin Sulejmani
i love eceand i like film elveda derken its very
very fantastic very good actor
baska baska

Ajlin Sulejmani
ece give me toyr mesanger ok please haha,i'm
every day cry for elveda derken but its fantastic.

Ajlin Sulejmani
i love ece (lale) and gokhan (ates) and you are
very good actor and gokhan is very good actor and
i like green eyes but i have blue

Maya Biba Bf
nice ya bombo

Maya Biba Bf

Maya Biba Bf
very nice thank you

Maya Biba Bf
very nice thank you

Maya Biba Bf
love you somuch

Maya Biba Bf
i love you somuch

Noor Ali
ece uslu ومعجبيها عسل على عسل

Noor Ali
ece uslu جوهرة السينما التركيا

Nana Nona
like this

Noor Ali
ece uslu وووووووووووووبس

Dalila Barhoumi
I love you too much we love you in Tunisia and I
hope I see you in Turkey

Dalila Barhoumi
Do you have a new business, I waited impatiently

Maya Biba Bf
ece uslu جوهرة السينما التركيا

Sarah Asmar
A highly talented actress is Ece, add to that her
natural beauty.Love U Ece in each & every

زينب الغيور
ممتلة جد رائعة

Chrigui Sonia
vous etes magnifique dans la tele

Lahoo Radad

Silvana Korsakov
you are very cool and elegant i lov you and good
luck in your life

Teoman Karhan
mükemmel ece

Sousou Uslu
çok guzel ece uslu

Abood Kaury
god takes care of you

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