BMTH Interview on Tour Bus (US Nov '08)

03 Nisan 2011 Pazar, 01:39

841 izlenme


Kyle Cowan
Our hair is definitely one of the defining points

Laura Kershner
oliver i love you.

Michelle Blanco
hahah yesss get naked lol that made me laugh

Christian Contreras Pérez
me gusta este video

Yowi HiSui
I ♥ Oliver ♥

Tahlai Viloria
just pure good looks reallyy.. haha no need to be

Jezreel Ruth Escobar
sweet british accent. . . :">

Mikey Dumont
count your blessings is a better album

Jess Bryson
i haveee it:), i have them all acctually:)

Christian Genz
Count Your Blessings was definitely better.
Suicide Season has a few good tracks, but it lost
it's brutal sound which was one of the main
reasons why people started liking this band. I
wish their 2010 album will be as brutal as Count
Your Blessings, but it's probably not, shame
when there's so little good deathcore bands
and already far too many metalcoreish bands, BMTH
should not be one of them.

Alexander Evans
I live in Sweden, I`ve been where they recorded.
Empty place indeed .

Rosalie Holland
Curtis! ♥I like Count Your Blessings &
Suicide Season.Hell, everything by BMTH is awesome

Kuuno Bitlush
i like the brutal sounds!return to da sound of
count ur blessings! please

Hayden Phillips
no count your blessings isnt as good as suicide
season. deathcore is shit, and metalcore is so
much better, love the sound of suicide season and
the cut up is ***ing sick :)

Matthew Bright
It seems a bit awkward between Oli and Curtis in
this video. Also, Oli was either ***ually
frustrated or on pills!

Febrian Deadsquadhbrutallskidzz
l lup u BMTH.

Thompson Schmitt's
gua ngevans banget sama bmth

Ricky Marpaung
kerenzzzzzzz bget??????

Nanang Bmth
lagu trlalu sadis

Iqbal Adhitya Prakoso
OLY......XD .......

BEnk Hybrid

Ghylank Bmth Metalcore
For Stavies Wonder Eyes

Radit Error
punya nyali buat moshing??????????23 mei
2010..bulungan out door..dtg dan SIAP2 UNTUK

Deby Falling Angel
l like it

Nicko Wrathchild
GenDeng WapI RegHk.,.,

Yuliya Angel

Evan Reita

Fbl-Per Luce ScreAmo Aseppriyatnadarmaselalurockerr

Keynoy Espeed
oi syker i like u,,,,

Raydel Diaz
i like his tatts and breakdowns thats it xD

Coprall Andarestta Dyi'ng
I come from Indonesia and I*** very impressed with
bring me the horizone I was very impressed

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