Bodybuilding Motivation - My Soul Will Never Die [HD]

21 Mart 2011 Pazartesi, 09:07

1138 izlenme


Gerson Pelonio
AMAZING kiven...but jay cutler is more great
record than you....

Gerson Pelonio
i envy you kiven,but look at jay cutler?..his the
best future body builder now a days..hope you

Gerson Pelonio
what ever what happen..your still my icon idol in
terms of being who you are....

Autumn Spencer
You always present such good stuff from the older
and new. I always love it! I have learned in my
day that we are as good as those that show up for
competition. We all worked hard. It is subjective
and constantly evolving. You look great. No one
can ever take what you have done and continue to
do. I like your posts and always look forward to

Angelina Gags
Gud & tough job.

Kevin Houston
superb the best!

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