Brandon Jackson’s Video Blog – Episode 1

18 Ocak 2012 Çarşamba, 03:06

2482 izlenme


Amanda Cerda
‎:) I think he'll make a great Grover

Yvonne Deegan
omg he is cute!!!!! i*** going to see it on the

Muzafar Hussain
nice personality he has . . .. . .

Veronica Albo
Go Brandon

Krista Cook
Where does the Hyra come in.Its in the 2nd Book.
It better NOT be in the movie Or I will be PISSED
and that is up with the "click it!" Its
not click it you take the cap off of riptide
Gosh... ♥ Your will make a nice Grover :)

Melissa Perry
i have reed all the book in 3 days time i did not
sleep at all

Nicole Plowman
ya. same here. they totally should have stuck to
the book

Nikhil Grandhi
This movie is going to be***azing!

Sutton Nealy
but it make the storyline a little more up to
date... its not gonna be perfect.. not even close

Meennei Meen

Justin Germann
this is lame so far off of whats in the book

Vynsnt Ymmnwl
caught it in singapore and loved it!!

Kyle Walker
it is really ar fetched and totally wrong compared
to the book

Sophie Koester
AHAHAHA. he's making fun of that guys accent
XD he says new york weird (brandon). like, new

Shanea Viray Yuvienco
his face luks funny after he said CAWFEE

Tharmen Thr
hahaha..!ths grover is bttr than the grover in

Tharmen Thr
hahaha..!ths grover is bttr than the grover in

Tharmen Thr
hahaha..!ths grover is bttr than the grover in

Tharmen Thr
ths grover is cool n funny...hahaha..!!

Dawson Derrick Rivadeneira
Thats funny how his last name is

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