Bx(O)xKx - Person like Hugh [HQ]

20 Temmuz 2010 Salı, 19:23

1743 izlenme


Branislava Kostic

Tiffany Smith
Awesome job! *** a new Fan! I think he would be

Branislava Kostic
Oh, thank you. Thank you very much! You're
very kind!Well, I'll be so happy if Mr. Hugh
Laurie ever see my spot.

Tiffany Smith
That would be awesome! It would be quite an
honor! I would be soooo Jealous!!! LOL :)

Branislava Kostic
Don't be jealous! I think that it's
better solution if you can help me somehow to find
the way how I could send to Mr. Laurie my CDs
with that spot :)

Branislava Kostic
Thanx a lot for help. You try, we try, maybe one
day something comes on better :)Yes, I've ***
that spot on youtube, on myspace video, here, on
my my space profil... Well, I really hope that Mr.
Hugh'll see my spot on that sites, or
somebod...y who knows him told him about spot and
song... Well, as Mr. Laurie t-shirt
...I'll let you know if I receive some
information about that.

Tiffany Smith
LOL :), Yes...Hilarious One liner!! :), He's
an awesome man. & I watched him one nite on a
late nite talkshow with his band!! It was
amazing!! He is extremely talented, the acting,
singing, & The piano! WOW! & Chase was
also in it! The... name of it was "Band from
TV".Surely YOU have seeen that! I truly wish
you the best in hopes that HE sees it or someone
shows it to him! :) Give looking to the bright

Branislava Kostic
Yeah, I know about BAND FROM TV. I've ***
his DVD. I get it when one day I saw some
commercial with Hugh Laurie where he said that all
money'll be given to some mental institution
or something like that. I know that Hugh is great
man, I know that he *** no time to watch new
stuffs from internet, but I hope... YES, I STILL
HOPE!!! :))))

María Beatriz Moggia
Estaa la rajaaa el videoooo con la cancion y Hugh
se ve mas rico que la crestaaa!!!!! el pendejo es
super fan!!I love the videooo!!! sooo cool!!!!
like Hugh!!! Like House!!!

María Beatriz Moggia
and the song issssss super cool too!!!!!

Branislava Kostic
Maria, thank you very much for that words! That
means a lot to me!!! THANX!!! ♥

Grace Shackleton

Branislava Kostic
Thanx Grace!!! As you know, this song means a lot
to me, because it's so personal. You know all
about my dreams, so I still hope that Mr.Laurie
can see this spot, hear this song, and write to me
a simple :"Thanx! Hugh". I'll be
happy as a little kid! But, we still talk about
dreams, right? :)

Lisa Brewer
Oh this video is fantastic!!!! Hugh Laurie is
such an inspiration, so talented and enjoyable!!
Good for you making such a tribute, a beautiful
expression- you are not alone, Hugh Laurie
definitely has something about him that is
endearing and brings a smile, ***y, witty, funny,
intuitive, thoughtful - great song, great clips!
Nicely put together!!! ♥

Maria Kelaidaki
ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i like your motocicle
soooooooo mutch

Branislava Kostic
‎"Mutch" ? Thanx :)

Assil Ben Ghozlène
no one can challenge House

Branislava Kostic
That's right!!!

Víctor Baltazar E
Esta bueno...

Branislava Kostic
Gracias! ;-)

Salome Mestvirishvili
house martla shen xar:):)

Branislava Kostic
Sorry, but I don't understand!

Elene Megrelishvili
yvelaze magari kacia:*

Branislava Kostic
Sorry, I don't understand you :-)

Patricia Figueroa
Me encanto!!

Colora RedYellow
i love u HOUSE!!!!!!!!

Maria Kelaidaki
look i think that hugh laurie is better than

Branislava Kostic
Of course Mr. Hugh Laurie is better than me.
That's why I want to be like him ;-)

Branislava Kostic
And, by the way, you're changed your first
post. Why? Anyway, He is my idol and He'll
always be better than me.

Grace Shackleton
This is***azing song and video, Your very clever
at both writing songs singing them and making

Branislava Kostic
Thank you!!!

Tanu Jones
your welcome :)

Lukas Valis
nice meen!

Gabriel Merayo
es patetico éste muchachito...deja en paz a

Branislava Kostic
Escuche la música a otra persona, por favor

Denisse Rainbow
***imegusta : )

Branislava Kostic
Por favor, escriba en Inglés!Please, write on
english language!

Denisse Rainbow
¬¬, ok ok :a i said i like it

Branislava Kostic
Thank you, Denisse! ;-)

Enrico Marschall
das video is nicht besonders gut

Branislava Kostic
Danke! I'm not director nor actress, this is
just video made by simply camera and using some
scenes from TV show.

Enrico Marschall
no good video

Eduardo Augusto
não mesmo

Rwan Agiza
so fun

Lukas Valis
nice meen!

Gabriel Merayo
es patetico éste muchachito...deja en paz a house

Kostic FromKraljevo
Escuche la música a otra persona, por favor

Denisse Rainbow
amimegusta : )

Kostic FromKraljevo
Por favor, escriba en Inglés!Please, write on
english language!

Denisse Rainbow
¬¬, ok ok :a i said i like it

Kostic FromKraljevo
Thank you, Denisse! ;-)

Enrico Marschall
das video is nicht besonders gut

Kostic FromKraljevo
Danke! I'm not director nor actress, this is
just video made by simply camera and using some
scenes from TV show.

Enrico Marschall
no good video

Eduardo Augusto
não mesmo

Rwan Agiza
so fun

Kostic FromKraljevo
Thank you!

Silvia Huergo

Mehtap Yıldırım

Lionel Peñaloza
groso total

Tina Corbin
love him

Kristin Lapaglia Patinkin
mooooooooooooooooooc pekny videjko

Ayosh Mohammed
it just funny i really love u

Kostic FromKraljevo
Thank you!

Jacob Ricardo
man this is awsum

Donia Triki
great owsom unbeleveble

Kostic FromKraljevo
Thank you!!! :-)

Mike Moots
this is alil more then a ***, like homo ***

Kostic FromKraljevo
You're wrong.

Grace Cardillo
me encanto sin dudas una recopilacion super!!!
desde argentina aguante houseeee!!!!

Miriam Garcia Recinto

Nadiya Astro
that's great

Kostic FromKraljevo
Thank you, Nadiya! ;-)

Jessica Lloyd
I haven't laughed and enjoyed a vid like this
in long! Well done it's freekin rockin !

Kostic FromKraljevo
nice to hear that my video makes your day better!
stay positive!;-)

Jessica Lloyd
I'm watching it on universal right now - this
is a fun filled day - thanks again ;)

Serena Prifti

James Sawyer Mysoft
goodfunnyand u`re identical hahahathe best part:
chasee bachelor party& the blooper on the
football table hahahagood but not best sorrysee u

Kostic FromKraljevo
I know that it could be much better. Thank you!

Renny Chang

Hatice Celep
Hayranım Sana GREKK.... ;)

Kostic FromKraljevo
As my great friend Jimmy used to
say:"Whatever!" ;-)

Paweł Sudnik

McKenna Willmert
love you

Kostic FromKraljevo

Cesar Alonso Nolasco Granados
‎:) :p

Chelsea Behunin
i love house

Genevieve Derouin
Hi Kostic!

Kostic FromKraljevo

Genevieve Derouin
how are you?

Genevieve Derouin
Wonder where she could be?

Andrada Alejandro Garcia
his very good

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