Call of Duty: Black Ops Single Player Trailer [HD]

30 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi, 19:15

1797 izlenme


Dustin Wright
this game is da bomb

Beto Federer
i need it

Cameron Mattson
OMG!!!!!cant freakin wait gona be so sick

Ben Bellion
hell yea

Axel Zoogataga
i va peter sa mere

Alex Sanchez
yo mother***ers

Guilhem Fouilhéé ヅ
sa sé le jeu de l'année !!!!!♥

Juho Kantakoski
hly shit cant waitt

Sam ThePope Buzz
Am in it for the campaign!

Harrison Emery
it looks alsome im getting it

Andrew Tiller
sally has 8 kills

Jack Stpeter
when u see area 51?

Kenny Tuan Ly
like this i ur gonna get his te 1st day!!!

John Michael Ributaso
this is wicked sick

Birkir Thor Björnsson
this is not wicked sick

Johan Roca Charri

Kevin Urbina

Hunter Lyon

Landy Garcia
a em from puerto rico en hay love this videos
game aim or ready downloading

Landy Garcia
‎!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can wait for call of
duty black ops

Alec Tester
call of duty is once again***azing cant beat
it!!!!!! pre ordering it

Alex Rodriguez
Did I See Zakhaev at 0:34 ????

Dorian Fin
jcrois que oui notre héros du call of 4 6 revien
dans le 7 mdr

Matthew Rennhack
already paid for my copy,,***ta wait another week
and 3 days tho :(

Bill Austin
there is Vietnam, when they put the revolver down
it was Russian roulette, that was how some
Vietnamese punish their prisoners or interrogate

Andrew Campiglio
this is wat ive been waitin 4 !!!!!!

Kevin Urbina
‎!!!!!!!!!!!the game of the year is call of
duty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hell yea wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mihai Vicol
This!! Is awesome!!

Jj Lewchuck
i pre ordered this man i cant wait

Ian Arnaud
you will love this game ?

Enmanuel Jesus Brito Gonzalez
Do are they Imran Zakhaev and Makarov???

Anthony Zanchi
je vai l'avoir pk vou aler pas sur le fb
anglais xD bande de jester on comprend rien se ke
vous dite mdr'

Anthony Zanchi
I love it !!!!!!!!!!!! and i love you !!! black

Mohamad Edrees
wlack 3jeeeb

Jonas W. Dyreborg
yeye they said the same about modernwarfare 2 so
mabe this also gonna suck..

Gustav Grambye Krausing
MODEL 1885!!!!

James Jamie Jimmy Watson
gonna have a fkn sick story line... i hope

Haider Ali
if it's better than modern warfare2 then it
will be the best game ever for sure!!! can't
wait PS3 4LIFE

Nelson John Lacuesta
is captain price will appear in this game??

Furkan Kütük
captain price hero in the game

Arsalaan Chohan
good game q111111111111111111111

Benjamin Karlsson
yeaahhhhhhhhhh hoooo

Romaric Lenoir
sa c est un super jeux il faut prendre de la

Beni Aebi
Wen i have this game i kill you all hehe

Jacobb Sheridan
only 11 more day tell it comes out ahhhhhhhhhhhh

James Mcgahan
i think isaw resnov 3 times

Edgar Alexander Franco Navasquez

Tushar 玩家 Gogna
need it badly

Jake Gonzalez

Lambert Assemat
Treyarch a bien reussi celui-là je pense, le jeu
le plus attendu ;)

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