Calling All Musicians/Vocalists - Any Instrument ! [HD]

13 Şubat 2011 Pazar, 11:18

874 izlenme


Steph St-pierre
lets go all in lol

Mark Levi Betancourt
Ive never seen you make any mistakes in any videos
you've made. I saw you make a few in this
one none the less. My question to you is do you
ever have pain in your forefingers from the way
you hold the sticks? I know that I used to hold
the sticks the same way and I would get pain in my
forefingers. Cant wait to see more drumming!

Jesus Angel Salazar
I love you

James P. Chandler

Kevin Schuerger

Andrea Santos

Meytal Cohen
Several videos already in !! :-)I need your videos
with JUST your instrument playing - so use
headphones to hear my version when you shoot your
video !

Andrea Santos
me late cmo tokas... saludos...

Meytal Cohen
the deadline is November 29, 2010 ! i think that a
week should be enough ;-)

Andrea Santos

Daniel Olsson
Ohh now i get it.. ok.. clean instrument that she
can add on to her drums.. ok.. i will have to see
what i can do.. :D..

Chris Walsh
I,m trying!

Will Spence
if i make a video, will you marry me??? lol just
kidding. looks awesome!!

Toni Sau Esclapes
that day is a most important event!FCBarcelona -
Real Madrid >_<

Ricardo Grimaldo

Jeremias Demarchi
que grande que sos......!!!!!

Lalokera Gonzalez
If you are the bestand certainly beautifulI love
your videos and have a wonderful talentGreetings
is sojejejeje

Milan Petrovic Tarzan
i dont bilive you, dhat you playing drums sins 18

Tushar Joshi
where ???? m ready................

אודי קמחי
What about some original music of yours?I mean,
those covers are nice, but hey - those are
covers... :)

Juanitho Karlo Polanco Ojeda
is great =D

Vìctor Salas

Vìctor Salas
kALAY... Mándele lo que usted conoce!

Luis Lopez
i love this video!!

Thomas Lentz
Where is it???

Rafael Pollicar

Marlon Ojeda
more video... maytal..

Edward Shelton
Covers are fun.

Juan Hurtado
ok lets give you a solo =)

Chris Tevyaw

Shy Polka
happy i *** tomorrow and Wednesday off so you
gonna get som quality tracks of my vocalls

Shy Polka
אודי גבגברנגנים מעולים לא
חייבים לכתוב שיריםאתה יודע
כל הקטע של כתיבה זה חיבור של
כמה אמצעים יחדיואני הייתי
מת שתהיה לי מתופפת כזאת אבל
בימינו אנו ביצועיסטים
שנראים טוב הרבה יותר
מעניינים קהל מאשר יוצרים
אמיתיים ולא רגיליםכי תכלס
אחי בוא נס...

Mehdi Mdimegh
so ***y!!!

Anderson Narciso
great :D I would like to see u playing
subdivisions :)

Rich Haddad
Awesome drumming... but where's the rest of
the song?? :(

Adrian Albu
curious about the winners ;)

Mike McAvan
Hey Meytal,My cover band used to do a kickin'
cover of this...Lemme see if I can make this

Pay Prakosoe
nice...i like its.

Kyle Browne
Aww man, I'm too late... This would have been
cool to do.

Issam Brahimi
Nice drumming !!

Billy Parker
i play and sing check out my vids on you tube
...chapter IV billy parker... give me some feed
back lets make some music ......facebook too...
just look for .... chapter IV

Alfonso Marquez
yeahh buenos fills chika drum

Andrea Porrini
spectacular ..... you really are fantastic....

Ben Cabreana
your soultone cymbals sound great!

Bobby Jones

Roni Poola
i used to play drums too , and what i noticed is
that u play from quite far :p and how u hold the
sticks is odd too but ur still the best woman
drummer i've seen :D Skillet has good woman
drummer too but i think ur better than her ;) and
ur so pretty too ! makes me wanna play drums again

Christopher Goodwin
aw I just saw this! Did you ever find your bass

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