15 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe, 05:46

2033 izlenme


Shareena Mohammed
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
MercifulAssalaamu 'Alaykum,Abu Basir says: I
heard Imam Muhammad Bakir say, “...He said: When
Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears he will follow in the
path of the Messenger of Allah. ONLY HE WILL BE
ALLAH...” (Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim Nomani,
al-Ghaybah al-Nomani, p. 191) Mar-Salaam,Shareena

Azhar Mehmood
There are 72 sects in Islam, then what is right
path. What is the path of Holy Prophet PBUH? what
is meant by following the foot steps of Prophet
Muhammad PBUH? What is the straight path? These
are the things which need to be concentrated.
...Invitation of truth..... What is the truth? Btw
Prophet Muhammad PBUH had the vision of Allah this
is biggest example of ILM AL-LADUNI. Imam Mahdi
a.s will reveal this knowledge to pubic, this
knowledge was not revealed to common people in the
time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Azhar Mehmood
Ilm-e-Laduni is not in Quran.Ilm-e-Laduni is not
in Hadith.(only hints are there)Hazrat Ibrahim bin
Adham said I have seen Allah 70 times. And learnt
120 points/issues of that knowledge (Ilm-e-Laduni)
from Allah, I told only 4 of them to pu...blic and
everyone rejected it.When the Saint Shah Shams
took the dry books out from a pond (full of
water), Maulana Jalal Uddin Rumi asked, What is
this ایں چیست? Shah Shams replied,
"This is the knowledge that you know not.”
(ایں آں عِلم است کہ تو نمی
دانی)Maulana Jalal Uddin Rumi was great
scholar of Islam who was having all the knowledge
of Quran and Hadith. But still Shah Shams said
" "This is the knowledge that you know
not.”And when later Maulana Jalal Uddin Rumi
attained this knowledge from Shah Shams then he
said.maulvi her giz na sud Moluna RomeTa
ghulam-e-Shamas Tabrazi na ShudMolvi can never
become moluna Rome until he does not become the
servant of any Shamas Tabraiz. For this knowledge
it is said: One of the companions of the Prophet
Mohammed Hazrat Abu Hurairah has stated:“I have
received two types of knowledge from the Prophet
Mohammed PBUH, I have told you about one of them
and if I tell you about the other you would kill
me”There is also a Prophetic tradition in which
Prophet Muhammad pbuh said "I received three
kinds of knowledge of Allah, first is for common
people, second is for special people and third is
only for me".

Yeshayahu Hollander
Azhar Mehmood asked: " There are 72 sects in
Islam, then what is right path"I know nothing
about Islam. But I have learned about people and
their relationship with God. I would answer: ALL
72 sects are right - or were right in the past -
fo...r some people, some of the time. One cannot
expect ask that there be one way right for all
people all of the time. Azhar Mehmood asked
another question: What is the truth?This is a
more difficult question. It would be best to start
thus:First of all, it is easier to determine what
is false and what is likely to be false: wherever
people have an interest in the outcome of a
statement, they are likely to make mistakes,
misrepresentations - or to lie intentionally. Each
person knows when he is not telling the full truth
as he knows it. We must try to improve. To inquire
into our souls to prevent us from being interested
in hiding the truth. Remember - You who believe!
If a deviator [the media: newspapers, television,
the internet] brings you a report, scrutinize it
carefully in case you attack people in ignorance
and so come to greatly regret what you have done.
(Surat al-Hujurat: 6)Zacharias 8,16-17: These are
the things that ye shall do: Speak ye every man
the truth with his neighbour; execute the judgment
of truth and peace in your gates; and let none of
you devise evil in your hearts against his
neighbour; and love no false oath; for all these
are things that I hate, saith the

Muhammad Habib
Allah O Akbar (Almighty God) is The Truth. There
is No Knowledge beyond The Knoledge of Almighty

Azhar Mehmood
‎@Yeshayahu Hollander In Islam there were no
sect in past. In the period of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH); here were two types of knowledge. One was
for the people of tongue (common people) which is
called 'Shariat' (law of Prophet), and
one was ...for people of divine heart that is
called 'Tariqaat' (Mysticism).In the
period of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); people who
felt contentment on the apparent knowledge within
those people some became Hypocrites and some were
(expelled) Khawarij. And those people who achieved
that 'knowledge of heart' along with it
they were called 'Sahabi' companions of
Prophet of Allah, they have gone after getting the
rank highest than the saints.And today (in present
time) the people who are satisfied with the
apparent knowledge they have been divided into 72
sects.In the period of the Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH); it’s not found in any of the
'Hadith' (Prophetic traditions) that
there is a Sunni or Shia or Wahhabi. It’s only
found there that “he is my 'Ummati'
(one who contain light)”. And the sign of the
follower is,“the one who has light/noor of Allah
in him he is my Ummati”And as the light/noor
started emerging from them they started becoming
sunni, shia, wahabi and otherwise.Now as sunni is
ignorant from inside, similarly Shia is also
ignorant from inside, likewise wahabi is also
ignorant from inside. All are ignorant from
inside. These people can only be right when light
of God will come into them. Than they will not say
I*** sunni, I*** Shia, I*** wahabi. They will only
say I*** your Ummati Ya Rasool Allah.72 are sects,
and sects came out from original. Those who came
out from original, how they be right? They are not
right. Allah does not looks at the faces, he also
does not looks at the beards. He looks at the
heart, whosoever is having love of God with him is
right in the eyes of Allah. No matter from which
religion that person belongs to. And love for
Allah will only come when light of God will enter
into the heart. Those who say we love God they are
pretender. Love is not done, it happens. People
having material desires in the hearts and ***ly
says that we love God. This is not love this is
hypocrisy. Place the pious ones and the worshipers
of all the religions in a row,ask God, "which
of them would you like to see?"Just as your
eyes spot a shining star,whether it be Mars or
Mercury or a nameless star,similarly God looks at
shining heartswhether they be in a religion or

Muhammad Habib
Mashallah very informative....Allah O Akbar knows
all before its existence.

Faisal Farooq
MashAllah and well said Azher Mehmood.

Answers From Harun Yahya
mashaAllah We are living in the end times
inshaAllah When Hz Mahdi (as) comes, all the sects
will be lifted. It will be like the time of our
Prophet (saas). Religion will have turned to its
origin, like the time of our Prophet (saas).
There... will be no sects inshaAllah. This will be
by the hands of Hz Mahdi inshaAllah. Gör

Hanan Habibzai
His is a great Scholar and I love his thought and
I'm a big fan of his philosophyand I'm
honored to learning from his books and speeches

Azhar Mehmood
In the name of Allah,the Most Gracious and the
Most MercifulAnd you will see the people enter
God's Religion in crowds. [110:1:2] Holy
QuranPeople will enter into the "Religion of
Allah" under the leadership of Imam Mahdi
a.s. Superior to r...eligion is the Love of God,
which is the essence of all religions,whereas the
Light of God is an illuminating guide in the
way.This is the time for everyone to learn
spirituality and attain the light of God.
Otherwise everyone should keep in mind that there
will be 70,000 Muslim Ulma/Scholars who will Bait
on the hands of Dajjal and will accept him as
their Savior. People who will be proud on apparent
knowledge will easily come into the trap of
Dajjal. All the powers of ... See MoreSatan will
be given to Dajjal and one should keep in mind
that satan was once the teacher of Angles. Thus
one can imagine how much knowledge he would be
having.On the other hand people who will be having
light of God in their heart will automatically
dragged towards Imam Mahdi a.s. Because Imam Mahdi
a.s. will be ocean of Noor/light of God. The
Dhikr/meditation of Qalb is a means for the
Dhikr/meditation of the Soul, just as worship
meaning Salat (Prayer) and the Fasting are the
means to the meditation of Qalb. Once a
person's soul has started to chant the Name
(Allah), and then he is from the people, who no
longer fear the Just Balance or the Day of
Judgement. The higher meditation and worship than
those of the soul are testimonies to his Lofty
Stations (in the world to come).Into which all the
rivers merge, is known as the sea.Into which all
the religions merge and become one, are the Love
of God and the Religion of God."Where the
four religions meet" (the Saint Sultan
Bahu)All the Celestial Books and Sahife (the
original Revelation to Mos es, Abraha m) are not
the religion of God. In these books are the
rituals on Salat (canonical prayer), the Fasting,
and the beards, whereas God is not bound by them.
These religions were made to illuminate and to
purify the followers of the Prophets. God Himself
is Pure Light. When a person becomes Light
(illuminated) after realization of the Essence of
God, then he enters the Religion of God, which is
Love and Affection, a meaning of the ninety-nine
Names of God, and the One Who remembers His

Answers From Harun Yahya
mashaAllah Alhamdulillah

Muhammad Habib
Azhar Mehmood, Allah O Akbar is eternal, having
neither a begining nor an end. What did Allah O
Akbar do before creating matter, material beings.
We know that anything in infinity is infinity. God
is infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent,
omnis...cient. God is everywhere and ha neither a
begining nor an end. Tell me what remains other
than God. Linear has a begining and an end, a
cycle has neither begining nor an end. The Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "God said,
'The offspring of Adam abuse time, (even
though) I*** Time.'" Time is cyclic and
not linear. After past comes present than future,
than past present future, than past present future
and it goes on from everlasting to everlasting. We
also know Allah O Akbar does not move as Allah O
Akbar is everywhere at one and same time. And we
know that God is time as well from hadith above.
Hence in real time moves not. Shapes change if
Allah O Akbar wills from everlasting to

Muhammad Habib
Brother Azhar Mehmood, do angels have days and
nights. Do arch-angels have days and nights. What
are the proportions of Allah O Akbar's day
and night. What is life span of our earth.

Fabian Imanasa Azof
brother Azhar Mehmood, can you give your
references whenever you state some hadiths?
because as I know all hadiths that you mentioned
above (about Allah creates earth and heaven
because of Muhammad and others) are maudhu'
or fake.I agree Allah is everywhere, Allah
is not bound either by time or space. Allah is
different than His creations. We cannot see Allah
in this world. Allah only appear Himself to the
dwellers of jannah, inshaAllah. But still we
don't have any knowledge in what order that
Allah will shown Himself in Jannah. It's
beyond our logical aspect.Furthermore, Allah of
course doesn't need His creation's
acknowledgement and worships. Even though nobody
worship Allah (neither angels nor prophets) Allah
still be The Greatest above all, it doesn't
change anything.Please be careful to quote the
hadiths brother..Jazakallah khoir

Muhammad Habib
Re: God is everywhere.......the verse which you
are referring from Quran "whichever direction
you see Allah's face is there". This
verse is not implemented on everyone. In my
understanding this verse is an answer to people
searching Allah O... Akbar. There are other verses
as well which help people searching Allah O
Akbar's location.

Havva Meletli

Shareena Mohammed
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
MercifulAssalaamu 'Alaykum,Abu Basir says: I
heard Imam Muhammad Bakir say, “...He said: When
Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears he will follow in the
path of the Messenger of Allah. ONLY HE WILL BE

Azhar Mehmood
There are 72 sects in Islam, then what is right
path. What is the path of Holy Prophet PBUH? what
is meant by following the foot steps of Prophet
Muhammad PBUH? What is the straight path? These
are the things which need to be concentrated. ...

Azhar Mehmood
Ilm-e-Laduni is not in Quran.Ilm-e-Laduni is not
in Hadith.(only hints are there)Hazrat Ibrahim bin
Adham said I have seen Allah 70 times. And learnt
120 points/issues of that knowledge (Ilm-e-Laduni)
from Allah, I told only 4 of them to pu...

Yeshayahu Hollander
Azhar Mehmood asked: " There are 72 sects in
Islam, then what is right path"I know nothing
about Islam. But I have learned about people and
their relationship with God. I would answer: ALL
72 sects are right - or were right in the past -

Muhammad Habib
Allah O Akbar (Almighty God) is The Truth. There
is No Knowledge beyond The Knoledge of Almighty

Azhar Mehmood
‎@Yeshayahu Hollander In Islam there were no
sect in past. In the period of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH); here were two types of knowledge. One was
for the people of tongue (common people) which is
called 'Shariat' (law of Prophet), and
one was ...

Muhammad Habib
Mashallah very informative....Allah O Akbar knows
all before its existence.

Faisal Farooq
MashAllah and well said Azher Mehmood.

Answers From Harun Yahya
mashaAllah We are living in the end times
inshaAllah When Hz Mahdi (as) comes, all the sects
will be lifted. It will be like the time of our
Prophet (saas). Religion will have turned to its
origin, like the time of our Prophet (saas). There
will be no sects inshaAllah. This will be by the
hands of Hz Mahdi inshaAllah.

Hanan Habibzai
His is a great Scholar and I love his thought and
I'm a big fan of his philosophyand I'm
honored to learning from his books and speeches

Azhar Mehmood
In the name of Allah,the Most Gracious and the
Most MercifulAnd you will see the people enter
God's Religion in crowds. [110:1:2] Holy
QuranPeople will enter into the "Religion of
Allah" under the leadership of Imam Mahdi
a.s. Superior to r...

Answers From Harun Yahya
mashaAllah Alhamdulillah

Muhammad Habib
Azhar Mehmood, Allah O Akbar is eternal, having
neither a begining nor an end. What did Allah O
Akbar do before creating matter, material beings.
We know that anything in infinity is infinity. God
is infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, omnis...

Muhammad Habib
Brother Azhar Mehmood, do angels have days and
nights. Do arch-angels have days and nights. What
are the proportions of Allah O Akbar's day
and night. What is life span of our earth.

Fabian Imanasa Azof
brother Azhar Mehmood, can you give your
references whenever you state some hadiths?
because as I know all hadiths that you mentioned
above (about Allah creates earth and heaven
because of Muhammad and others) are maudhu'
or fake.I agree th...

Muhammad Habib
Re: God is everywhere.......the verse which you
are referring from Quran "whichever direction
you see Allah's face is there". This
verse is not implemented on everyone. In my
understanding this verse is an answer to people
searching Allah O Akbar. There are other verses as
well which help people searching Allah O
Akbar's location.

Havva Meletli

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