15 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe, 07:00

622 izlenme


Shareena Mohammed
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most
MercifulAssalaamu 'Alaykum,Abu Basir says: I
heard Imam Muhammad Bakir say, “...He said: When
Hazrat Mahdi (as) appears he will follow in the
path of the Messenger of Allah. ONLY HE WILL BE

Azhar Mehmood
There are 72 sects in Islam, then what is right
path. What is the path of Holy Prophet PBUH? what
is meant by following the foot steps of Prophet
Muhammad PBUH? What is the straight path? These
are the things which need to be concentrated. ...

Azhar Mehmood
Ilm-e-Laduni is not in Quran.Ilm-e-Laduni is not
in Hadith.(only hints are there)Hazrat Ibrahim bin
Adham said I have seen Allah 70 times. And learnt
120 points/issues of that knowledge (Ilm-e-Laduni)
from Allah, I told only 4 of them to pu...

Yeshayahu Hollander
Azhar Mehmood asked: " There are 72 sects in
Islam, then what is right path"I know nothing
about Islam. But I have learned about people and
their relationship with God. I would answer: ALL
72 sects are right - or were right in the past -

Muhammad Habib
Allah O Akbar (Almighty God) is The Truth. There
is No Knowledge beyond The Knoledge of Almighty

Azhar Mehmood
‎@Yeshayahu Hollander In Islam there were no
sect in past. In the period of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH); here were two types of knowledge. One was
for the people of tongue (common people) which is
called 'Shariat' (law of Prophet), and
one was ...

Muhammad Habib
Mashallah very informative....Allah O Akbar knows
all before its existence.

Faisal Farooq
MashAllah and well said Azher Mehmood.

Answers From Harun Yahya
mashaAllah We are living in the end times
inshaAllah When Hz Mahdi (as) comes, all the sects
will be lifted. It will be like the time of our
Prophet (saas). Religion will have turned to its
origin, like the time of our Prophet (saas). There
will be no sects inshaAllah. This will be by the
hands of Hz Mahdi inshaAllah.

Hanan Habibzai
His is a great Scholar and I love his thought and
I'm a big fan of his philosophyand I'm
honored to learning from his books and speeches

Azhar Mehmood
In the name of Allah,the Most Gracious and the
Most MercifulAnd you will see the people enter
God's Religion in crowds. [110:1:2] Holy
QuranPeople will enter into the "Religion of
Allah" under the leadership of Imam Mahdi
a.s. Superior to r...

Answers From Harun Yahya
mashaAllah Alhamdulillah

Muhammad Habib
Azhar Mehmood, Allah O Akbar is eternal, having
neither a begining nor an end. What did Allah O
Akbar do before creating matter, material beings.
We know that anything in infinity is infinity. God
is infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, omnis...

Muhammad Habib
Brother Azhar Mehmood, do angels have days and
nights. Do arch-angels have days and nights. What
are the proportions of Allah O Akbar's day
and night. What is life span of our earth.

Fabian Imanasa Azof
brother Azhar Mehmood, can you give your
references whenever you state some hadiths?
because as I know all hadiths that you mentioned
above (about Allah creates earth and heaven
because of Muhammad and others) are maudhu'
or fake.I agree th...

Muhammad Habib
Re: God is everywhere.......the verse which you
are referring from Quran "whichever direction
you see Allah's face is there". This
verse is not implemented on everyone. In my
understanding this verse is an answer to people
searching Allah O Akbar. There are other verses as
well which help people searching Allah O
Akbar's location.

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