Candyland 2 at Energy Night Club [HD]

29 Haziran 2010 Salı, 00:25

2798 izlenme


Energy Night Club
Be sure to tag yourself and your friends if your
in the video!!!!

Iliyana InSatible
bahaha lol

Energy Night Club
LOL u created Samantha.... LOL To bad mission
could not create decent djs...

Jessica Eakins
haha so much drama always over stupid stuff. why
cant everyone just be nice?

Iliyana InSatible
lmfao shmeow!

Energy Night Club
i was just sayin.... LOL... never heard of someone
taking credit for making someone...

Jessica Eakins
haha i know i was thinking the same thing! but
energy did help some great djs thats for sure! and
who the *** is samantha anyways. obviously not
someone too important!=D

Energy Night Club
LOL.... Hey easy now... im gonna tell people
Energy didn't make the djs, djs make
themselves, i just gave them a opportunity and
exposed there talent.

Jessica Eakins
haha its the other way around jessica eakins made
energy!!! haha j/k!! but yes i agree energy gave
alot of the better known chicago djsa place to
start!! =Dill be sad if the rumors are true =*(

Michelle LaPosta
hahahah myra were makin out all over the place
lolll i love the video thoo yayyy!! ♥

Michelle LaPosta
yayyyeaaa you know how we rollllllllllll hahaha

Eftim Senify
Wait don't most of these girls still have

Adam West
myra n michelle, i think u guys weere the
highlight of nthis video lol

Sheena Benedict
god im geting old lol

Johnny Thomas
that night was a blurr thanks for refreshing it!

Lewie Martin
where are you at in this video. i just moved from
california back to the chicago area and this place
looks sooooo sick!

Jessica Eakins
ENERGY NIGHT CLUBBBB DUHHH! and you missed the
best night of 09! haha

Tyler Cornell
yeah i def barley member that night, didnt realize
so many fine bitches were there, damn!

Nina Cedillo
hahahah angie nicee baby

Angie Salgado
we look funny here lol.that was a CRAZY nigh
though. ;D

JayMula 誇 SickMade
was that u n tha pink??

JayMula 誇 SickMade

Amal Omeragic
lol thats someones daughter haha skanks

Iliyana InSatible
Amal ? lol

Iliyana InSatible
u love my mom cuz she gave u Rakia :P

Amal Omeragic
hahaha where did that come from but yes tell her
to get me some more

Iliyana InSatible
idk cuz u were saying thats someones daughter
hahaha ehhh sorry me n my dad drinked it all

Amal Omeragic
ahhh not cool

Iliyana InSatible
well u didnt wanna share ur beer like i was gonna
eat u so u aint cool either :P

Amal Omeragic
i was

Mike Breu
i love women

Energy Night Club
Be sure to tag yourself and your friends if your
in the video!!!!

Ivana Biteurdikof
bahaha lol

Jessica Eakins

Energy Night Club
LOL u created Samantha.... LOL To bad mission
could not create decent djs...

Jessica Eakins
haha so much drama always over stupid stuff. why
cant everyone just be nice?

Ivana Biteurdikof
lmfao shmeow!

Energy Night Club
i was just sayin.... LOL... never heard of
someone taking credit for making someone...

Jessica Eakins
haha i know i was thinking the same thing! but
energy did help some great djs thats for sure! and
who the *** is samantha anyways. obviously not
someone too important!=D

Energy Night Club
LOL.... Hey easy now... im gonna tell people
Energy didn't make the djs, djs make
themselves, i just gave them a opportunity and
exposed there talent.

Jessica Eakins
haha its the other way around jessica eakins made
energy!!! haha j/k!! but yes i agree energy gave
alot of the better known chicago djsa place to
start!! =Dill be sad if the rumors are true =*(

Michelle LaPosta
hahahah myra were makin out all over the place
lolll i love the video thoo yayyy!! ♥

Michelle LaPosta
yayyyeaaa you know how we rollllllllllll hahaha

Eftim Senify Mihov
Wait don't most of these girls still have

Adam West
myra n michelle, i think u guys weere the
highlight of nthis video lol

Sheena Benedict
god im geting old lol

Johnny Thomas
that night was a blurr thanks for refreshing it!

Lewie Martin
where are you at in this video. i just moved from
california back to the chicago area and this place
looks sooooo sick!

Jessica Eakins
ENERGY NIGHT CLUBBBB DUHHH! and you missed the
best night of 09! haha

Tyler Cornell
yeah i def barley member that night, didnt
realize so many fine bitches were there, damn!

Nina Cedillo
hahahah angie nicee baby

Angie Salgado
we look funny here lol.that was a CRAZY nigh
though. ;D

JayMula 誇 SickMade
was that u n tha pink??

JayMula 誇 SickMade

Amal Omeragic
lol thats someones daughter haha skanks

Ivana Biteurdikof
Amal ? lol

Ivana Biteurdikof
u love my mom cuz she gave u Rakia :P

Amal Omeragic
hahaha where did that come from but yes tell her
to get me some more

Ivana Biteurdikof
idk cuz u were saying thats someones daughter
hahaha ehhh sorry me n my dad drinked it all

Amal Omeragic
ahhh not cool

Ivana Biteurdikof
well u didnt wanna share ur beer like i was gonna
eat u so u aint cool either :P

Amal Omeragic
i was

Mike Breu
i love women

Energy Night Club
Be sure to tag yourself and your friends if your
in the video!!!!

Iliyana InSatiable
bahaha lol

Jessica Eakins

Energy Night Club
LOL u created Samantha.... LOL To bad mission
could not create decent djs...

Jessica Eakins
haha so much drama always over stupid stuff. why
cant everyone just be nice?

Iliyana InSatiable
lmfao shmeow!

Energy Night Club
i was just sayin.... LOL... never heard of someone
taking credit for making someone...

Jessica Eakins
haha i know i was thinking the same thing! but
energy did help some great djs thats for sure! and
who the *** is samantha anyways. obviously not
someone too important!=D

Energy Night Club
LOL.... Hey easy now... im gonna tell people
Energy didn't make the djs, djs make
themselves, i just gave them a opportunity and
exposed there talent.

Jessica Eakins
haha its the other way around jessica eakins made
energy!!! haha j/k!! but yes i agree energy gave
alot of the better known chicago djsa place to
start!! =Dill be sad if the rumors are true =*(

Michelle LaPosta
hahahah myra were makin out all over the place
lolll i love the video thoo yayyy!! ♥

Michelle LaPosta
yayyyeaaa you know how we rollllllllllll hahaha

Adam West
myra n michelle, i think u guys weere the
highlight of nthis video lol

Sheena Benedict
god im geting old lol

Johnny Thomas
that night was a blurr thanks for refreshing it!

Lewie Martin
where are you at in this video. i just moved from
california back to the chicago area and this place
looks sooooo sick!

Jessica Eakins
ENERGY NIGHT CLUBBBB DUHHH! and you missed the
best night of 09! haha

Nina Cedillo
hahahah angie nicee baby

Angie Salgado
we look funny here lol.that was a CRAZY nigh
though. ;D

Jamel JayMula Harper
was that u n tha pink??

Jamel JayMula Harper

Iliyana InSatiable
Amal ? lol

Iliyana InSatiable
u love my mom cuz she gave u Rakia :P

Iliyana InSatiable
idk cuz u were saying thats someones daughter
hahaha ehhh sorry me n my dad drinked it all

Iliyana InSatiable
well u didnt wanna share ur beer like i was gonna
eat u so u aint cool either :P

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