Capt. Charisma battles The Viper at WWE Over The Limit TONIGHT! [HQ]

07 Temmuz 2011 Perşembe, 21:28

768 izlenme


Jason Troutman
Vince,christan is mainevent talent.GET IT!

Dave Melchior
orton sucks christian is main event materal not
lame orton

عبد العزيز
اورتن وبس

Jose Mari Magpayo
smackdown sucks now beacause of these

Sam Cena
WWE ROCKZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Niamat Yasha
randy is in form and christian is unable to stay
in front of randy

Mark Valentene Garing Caguicla
he had waiting for 17long years to do that at

Ziona Sawyer Jensen

Iman Orton

Iman Orton
randy rocks!

Ritesh Mistry

George Stephen
Randy orton is a great wrestler presently and he
is of crushing Christian's dream of being
World Heavyweight Champion but I think Christian
can reclaim championship glory against Viper

Thehell Dragon
that's good because orton the champion

Souhayb Alqasem
rko :(

Francesca Bracey
i hate Randal Orton

Marietta Robinson
it's going to be good to nite.

Sebastian Dongo Napuri
randy orton buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Andre Correia
randal keith orton r.k.o

Deathakulo Solido
Ill be Wait LAter!^^,

Vivian Elizabeth Doyle-Joseph

Jhanela Malate
what i tough randy orton is winn!!! OMG i really
want to win christian !!!! congrats christian i
supporting u !

Erick Cobarruvias
comeone christian ure the best peep u are the true
champion no ofence orton

Rony Cala
Batista will return on Smackdown!

Stelios Xatzhpaulidhs
Batista Rey Orton Cena and Lashley THIS IS TEAM..

Rony Cala
Lashley's gone... So Batista, Mysterio,
Orton, Cena and... Undertaker? ;)

Scott Byrd
great match and rivilrie

Qhubekani Ndebele
The Viper (R.K.O) rocks... Go Randy.

Qhubekani Ndebele
The Viper (R.K.O) rocks... Go Randy.

Ahmad Al-Natour
The Started Song FRom The Begining To Sec 0:22
AnyOne Know The SoundTrack Name Plz ???

Nasir Qureshi
Randy is The Front Face of WWE now days

Ahmad Al-Natour
the bigining song plz anyone one knowthe name of
the song??

Alex Danquah
luv wre 4ever

Vignesh Thiagarajan

Stephen A. Simpson
Christian will make it back at no.1 contention and
go one more time to regain what was his The World
Heavyweight Championship

Road To Freedom
iam sad about christian

Road To Freedom
‎5 days only have cheavy weight champion

Sachin Bhardwaj


David Heo
isnt this suppoused to br a christian

Abdul L Jalal
there is no chance against the viper .he will just
give the RKO and boom...lights out Christian

Erridaoui Yassin
♥ ♥ ♥

Jarrett Moore
Both can get there chance when the time is right.

Wandile Gamedze
Randy orton is d best,h wil b d champion4d hol
month hahahahahaha

Abhishek Singh
randy s simply awesm...

Nathan Hu

Road To Freedom
i love randy but thats unfair only 5 days
christiab worlad heavy weight champion

Rahul Hameed

Norbert Mieczkowski
even though i like randy christains life ***
ruined because of him!

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