Christmas Message

07 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi, 23:45

752 izlenme


Sayword Broyles Eller
Best Christmas gift EVER!!!! Very cool. Merry
Happy Holiday everyone!

Stepnay Elleray
And, Merry Christmas to YOU Matt!!!

Stephanie Ratcliffe
♥ Merry Christmas to everyone ever involved in
Doctor Who, the GREATEST show ever!

Matt Gattis
Merry Christmas Doctor! And everyone else!

Paris Skopelitis

David Guillot
A Merry Christmas to Dr Who and co plus to all of
my fellow Dr Who Fans

Alexander Podgurski
Matt = Best doctor of all time ever!Çevirisine

Bill Smillie
Was hoping for a TARDIS for Christmas...but
we've *** the DR.WHO Christmas special
coming!!! WHOOO HOOOO!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all
the Dr. Who crew!!!!

Jessica Mitchell
Merry Christmas to you too Matt!

Fogos Fastus Guerriyer
Matt, Merry Christmas to you too :)

Ernesto Hernandez
her doctor merry christmas

R Barry Balderston
Doesn't get any better than that!!Çevirisine

Tini Eckardt
Merry Christmas - hope I'll be able to watch
the special another day because I missed it today

Princess Sana
i liked your chrismas movie

Amanda Clark
The BEST CHRISTmas present EVER!! Merry Christmas

Melissa Sims
Merry Christmas, Matt! Madd love!

Spyridoula Stefa
Merry Christmas My Lovely Matt Smith ♥ ♥ ♥
Wish The Best For You ♥

Will Malpartida
He's definitely becoming one of my top
favorite Doctors (mine is Troughton) :D Merry
Christmas, happy new year! :D

Kevin W. Parker
You can see why Matt's a danger to all the
breakables in the immediate vicinity.Çevirisine

Stéphanie Mansion
Thanks you Matt, Merry Christmas to you and Happy
New Years !!!

Lynne Deacon
Been a whovian ever since Dr. Who no 1 with
William Hartnell...yep I'm an
oldie...BUT...the Doctor just gets better and
better. Really enjoyed the Christmas special. Roll
on 2012

Damo Child
And a Veryvery Happy New Year no matter what
planit ur on :)

Tania Licantropillo
I miss you all... I need very bad my weekly dose
of Doctor Who!!!! ♥

Beth Axford
Awwwww! ♥

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