Chronicles Of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

19 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi, 13:10

979 izlenme


Susan Howard
Also, C.S. wrote many more wonderful books; He
wrote a science fiction trilogy for ***s.They
are, "Out of a Silent Planet,"
"Perelandra," and "That Hideous
Strength." Read them and I think you'll
see the world as we are living in it today. He is
my hero of the twentieth century written word!

Iqrom Chronicles

Jack Shoemaker
Very good

Luis Aníbal Toro Salazar
The movie seems to be great. I hope they will
continue making movies of the other books

Nur Shamimi
i agree.....

Sabeena Khan
owsm movie .....

Yunus Kaya
olağanüstü bir film

Dhandy's Allviiansyah

Lugresan Krishnasamy
i hope i'll get the ticket.

Tibor Tibi Novák

Audrey Smith
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!! Loved the book.

Luca V. Piccoli

Cameron Coleman
Sadly they appear to be straying from the book
again. The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe
sticked to the source material and was epic, PC
didn't and wasn't very good. Please
learn your lesson and keep to the books!

Cameron Coleman
Is there somewhere I can download this at?

Veronica Tham
Help, help help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can anyone tell
me any 3 islands found in the game of "The
Chronicles Of Narnia" as I hope to win one of
the 15 pairs of tickets to watch the premiere here
in Singapore. KINDLY HELP ME by letting me know
the 3 islands

Luqman Rahim
yeah there is

Disi Dismunawati
amazing.....i like it........

Sha Hanna
reep is so cute and lucy and edmund and im gonna
love narnia forever

Joycelyn Karin Cheng
ohhhhh.. can't wait .. i'm excited to
watch this ..just 4 more days ..

Ashley Crowell

Josh Bañez Talaboc
cant wait for this movie to start here in

Gerardo Alanis
today was the premiere in mexico :Oi couldnt go..
maybe on sunday i will :Dnarniaa!!!

Ricardo Ալմա
I Like It

Haley Wolford
Can't wait!!!

Adelle Redenbach
Seen it :)

Katy Vasquez
Me encantooooo jeje fue asombrosa !!! y deja una
buena m***eja !!

James Nuguit
ilililililili like it

Aditya Parab
i like it......soooooo much!!!!!!!!

Kate L. Naag
i like narnia !

Estela C. Favela
I think this one was the best one yet...loved each
one, but this one had me crying at the end. ♥
it! only regret that I didn't see it in 3D.

Dicky Bringas
i love narnia

Meni Rahayu
i like narnia

Sherlycindiyana Siregar
i like narnia :D

Cheryline Peterus
awesome.. narnia3 is the best..

Anton Seeger
great but Avatar was better!

Maulidea Arsivia
wow , thats cool

Bhagus San

Joel Ang
love it

Gabriella Sanchez
I love

Aqila Mutiara

Rizka Rahmadhani
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee narnia

Rachel Douglas
love it so much

Komunitas Nabila Dwi Syahreni
I love U narnia.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,​,

Alina Irum
i lov narnia.....its awsum....fantastic...its
amzing more than harry poter..

Adelia Salampesi
i like it ^_^ it's***azing.... love it

Azizah Alya Rahyuni
i like it to narnia

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