Clash of the Titans - Trailer 1 [HD]

01 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe, 02:50

1245 izlenme


Drew Davis
Never seen it yet =(

Belle Cardenas Pimentel
its a beautiful it!!!!

Zoe Kotsou
great movie

Youssouph Shuaibu
must match movie (mmm)

Elmir Qurbanov
film cok guzel!i liked it very much! it's
fantastic :D

Abdul Rahim Wahid
clash of titans rawwkkkkk!!!!

Jorge Armando Delgado Moreno
in 3d very very good

Leo Mancusi
Grande!!!!! :)

Clifford Brown
this is were it is awesome, mind blowing earth

Jcvd Vandamme
i like this movie i love thes movie its nambar

Smael Hajji
is very good i like this movie

Ronaldo Robles
i'd like to watch dis in huge screen....

Ronaldo Robles
. coooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!

Yue Vero
its zeus de ,e

Ulfhed E Howard
No veas tu que mierda de película. No vale nada,
se carga la leyenda, la película clásica y
Grecia.La verdad... es una verdadera mierda de

Maximakos Peristeri
this is the best movie

Maximakos Peristeri
the warrior the hero of this movie its the hero
from avatar?

Jaymz Robertson
Did they even have crewcuts back then? He should
have had long hair like Perseus did in the
original. At least as long as he did in Avatar

Bo Cole
this movie is the the best

Mohamed Gisho
بس صراحة انتو قمرات بس احلى
وحدة فيكم الى فى نص

Paul Angelo Ramirez
best movie of clush of the titans the best

Jay Galvez
I don't know why the heck perseus had army
cut hair. Maybe they wanted to add a little modern
feel? Well if doesn't work. I much prefered
he had soft drown locks as depicted from the
original movie:(

Muharam Gilang
wow this movie***azing i like it this movie,,, im
watching this movie 7 X..........

Patrick Sean Panopio
tagal naman mapanuod? kakainip...

Raul Chavez Romero
lo maximo... cuando la estrenen ***ui, me voy de

Aidan Will***s

Lancelot Elot
im just a 8-year old kid but.....nice!

Savon Mullgrav
bra this is my movie

Gerard Frain
the bird and the worm wat a song

Jordan Anning
friken awesome

Adonissuperthatoh Crum
i love that movie

Nama Saya Imran

Stephane Abekpo
C graaav!

Jevon Daeli

Imam Smooth
gokil wal...

Abu Hanifah Anip
this movie is out of my mind..the best movie
action i have seen..

Amirul Farid
hang paham kew aper diorang ckp

Shada Shama
cooool when i watch the movie i thougt my self in
the movie ♥ ♥

Yassine Helali

Afrah Arale
i jst luv the music of the hole movie EPIC

Reshad Miriyev
very very nice

Qiswina Rina
scjsckdvlvkl jhg

Maximakos TommyGun
this is the best movie

Maximakos TommyGun
the warrior the hero of this movie its the hero
from avatar?

Jaymz Robertson
Did they even have crewcuts back then? He should
have had long hair like Perseus did in the
original. At least as long as he did in Avatar

Bo Cole
this movie is the the best

Mohamed Gisho
بس صراحة انتو قمرات بس احلى
وحدة فيكم الى فى نص

Paul Angelo Ramirez
best movie of clush of the titans the best

Jay Galvez
I don't know why the heck perseus had army
cut hair. Maybe they wanted to add a little modern
feel? Well if doesn't work. I much prefered
he had soft drown locks as depicted from the
original movie:(

Patrick Sean Panopio
tagal naman mapanuod? kakainip...

Raul Chavez Romero
lo maximo... cuando la estrenen ***ui, me voy de

Aidan Will***s

Yeth Friend
nice movie

Lancelot Elot
im just a 8-year old kid but.....nice!

Savon Swaggboii Mullgrav
bra this is my movie

Gerard Frain
the bird and the worm wat a song

Jordan Anning
friken awesome

Nama Saya Imran

Stephane Abekpo
C graaav!

Jevon Daeli

Saya Adalah Imam
gokil wal...

Abu Hanifah Anip
this movie is out of my mind..the best movie
action i have seen..

Little Bird
hang paham kew aper diorang ckp

Shada Shama
cooool when i watch the movie i thougt my self in
the movie ♥ ♥

Yassine Helali

NuNa Hazel
i jst luv the music of the hole movie EPIC

Paula Andrea Valencia Florez

Reshad Ershadoglu
very very nice

Rama Nayak

Sweezy Sabrina
scjsckdvlvkl jhg

Vijay Agarwal
i like the trailer

Leri Lopez
i like the new movie of clash it is really famous
the adventures......

Jinmar Idusma
oh.....!its really,

Yasir Laghari
i enjoyed it

Spencer Sacia
stupid movie

Cris'y M***o
i lyk greek mythology...

Baz W***aliva

George Barker
it is good.......

Alexander Binos
E..kalh htan :)

Erawan Very
kerennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,,,​,,, so
collllllll. greeet,

Markly Galang
i really like this movie very very awesome........

Camiloworld Cruz
joooooooo hoooooooo kooooooooo freely heart

Ruben Dario Rivera Mojica

Whan Iridescent
love love

رابطة حماية مرممي الآثار
افلام جيد

مريم سالم
oh woooooooooooooow i love this movi

Fikri Cyankdia
bagus flim nya

Fikri Cyankdia
aku sudah pernah nontonya di bioskop

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