colin and bradley haha!

02 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi, 19:19

1120 izlenme


Viki East
he's gonna burn!

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
haha i LOVE that bit.... "HES GONNA
BURN!!.... sorry ehem hes gonna burn" *nods*

Christina Gr
hahahaha yeah!!!! he's gonna
burn!!!!!!!!!!!! haha merlin a murder???!!!!!!!!!!

Taslia Khaira
yeah hahahahahah :D

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
but then the knight did kill 2 people already so
its justified this time :P hahahaha x

Christina Gr
yeah but uther killed him with a sword right?

Taslia Khaira
yeah but the sword was suppose to be with

Christina Gr

Taslia Khaira
huff that uther!! i would have killed him if he
wasn't the king!!!

Christina Gr

Taslia Khaira

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
hahah you can always trust uther to blunder
in.... he likes to have his little spot in the
spotlight you see ;)

Christina Gr

Taslia Khaira
maybe he wants to get black!!!

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
i think the truth of it is the blackknight put
arthur in danger and uther was not going to let
that happen..... no matter what the consequence :)
but as normal good old merlin saved the day haha!

Christina Gr

Taslia Khaira
yes u are very right!!!

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
even though uther can be a stuck up fool at
times, he does care alot for the ones he loves,
and i think part of him likes merlin too, he just
dont want to admit it because merlin is a servant
(who has just happened to save arthurs life
countless times) :P

Taslia Khaira
yeah!! or can i say " clopole?? " like
ceddric called merlin!! in 1st episode season 2

Christina Gr
yeah!!!!!!!! as he said to gaius not to tell
about his wife!

Taslia Khaira

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
haha boo i do believe that it was merlin who
called arthur a clopole, because he *** so wound
up with cedric, then cerdric told arthur what
merlin had said. xchris: yeah thats right and i
also think thats why uther hates magic so much,
bec...ause it killed his wife. x

Christina Gr
aaa know i understand it much better!

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
‎:) arthur was born of magic with the help of
nimueh, but to creat a life the magic law says you
must take a life, so nimueh took the life
ugraine(arthurs mum and uthers wife) x

Christina Gr
hmm..yyes!!!!!! :)

Christina Gr
i have seen this episode!

Christina Gr
with the dead knight i mean!

Taslia Khaira
ohh yeah!!! that cerdric was very annoying!!! :P
( to cerdric )

Taslia Khaira
it must be very hard for arthur to accept the
reality that he was born of magic!! ::(

Christina Gr

Taslia Khaira
but still he is hot !!

Christina Gr

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
me too chris :) i have seen all the episodes to
date :)boo: yes cedric was highly annoying! i
wanted to slap him or throw water over him
haha!and yes it must be hard for him to understand
but at least he can also now see why uther hates
mag...ic so much. i think magic is great, as long
as its in the right hands :)

Christina Gr
yeah i wonder how i s to use magic huhu!!!

Taslia Khaira
cabo and chris@ yeah. i was trying to learn
te old english that they use for the magic spell

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
chris: i think you would use magic for good
:)boo: haha good luck with that! im english and i
fidn them hard enough to try to learn lol!!!!if i
had magic, i would use it for good and battle bad
guys and use it to heal people :) x

Taslia Khaira
yeah.. i will use it to do bad thing but just 1
thing!! fight against my brother!! he is so
annoying!!!...and i will use it to heal and help
all people around the world!! is hard to
learn it!! and there are samilar
pronuciation,yes?? it's Anglo Saxon english

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
hahaha i would never use it for bad, because once
you start to use it for bad it can take over, use
it to do tricks on him instead ;) ohh gosh im not
sure what era it is from but i do know it is
ancient english and that it does translate to...
whater ever it is you want the spell to do, like
"burn wood" for example :)

Taslia Khaira
yes!!u r right!!anyway...i love the way merlin
pronounce looks perfect with him!!!

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
ohhh yes it sure does :) sometimes it gives me
goosebumps the way he says some of them xD i love
it when he is sat at the fire and he makes a
dragon out of the embers from the stick ♥

Taslia Khaira
yeah and then the Prince Charming come so

Taslia Khaira
oh i love the way he makes the horse smoke in the
season 2 ep 7 " The WitCH fINDER " I

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
ahh yes that was beautifull too, and when he made
the rose for feya too ♥ merlin really is the
perfect guy, so is colin come to that lol!

Colin Morgan and Bradley James online
‎*freya not feya lol.

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