Cristiano Ronaldo - Success Story [HD]

02 Ocak 2011 Pazar, 10:24

724 izlenme


Farax Shah
nyc n wats da name of the song

Khaled Ali
cr7 perfect

NaJdi NeYø Srn
the besttt 4 EvErrrrr !

Mike Aguirre

Cristina Topi

Ieephandt Kheepvindt Van'bachdim
you are my star........

Ali Kart
benden öğrendii :D

Murat Şen
adamım sın ronaLdo!

Ruhan Çimentay
ali sen topa vurmayi öğren :DD

Alexandar Stanković
I watched that before 4 months! !

Gentiana Aliu
I love this..♥C.RONALDO the

Trymore Zvokunzwa Gororo
your legs are electrified!!!!!!!u are great man

Sultan Al-Qasem
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ $: $: =~ ||

Sultan Al-Qasem
Crazy video ♥♥

Ala Jackson
my best player foot ball

Ameer Seeker
thess fuking crazy video

Monika Trenda
the best of the best. messi is brilliant but
nobody play in football like cr7

Benaa Mahasna
زوء كتير

Sejir Sayari
the besttttttttttt

Hamda Chaar
ahahahahahahahhahah mich nermal

SéLim ÇêTin
qeqwqwqeqeweweweqviva RonaLdo haLA maDrid..!
PeRfeCt .))

Kristijan Micko Micudaj
The name of song?

Hsan Menzli
pleas the name of the song ???

Cool Guys
guddd oneee

Nourdine Zapa
very goodvery

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