Cristiano Ronaldo - This is My Style [HD]

17 Mart 2011 Perşembe, 01:30

971 izlenme


Farajul Banka
dis is really your style....cr7...;)

IhAb NiDal Madridista
ur the best

Marla Marote
I like that gooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Andy Gonzalez

Luis Esquivel
cristiano mejor que messi por mucho

Luis Esquivel
jajaja madrid 3 barselona 1

Ronaldo Abdou
vive ronaldo...

Žiga Tuck
Where is it on youtube?

Rebel Rebelii
Cristian Ronaldo is the Best in the World...[CR7]

Issac Vasquez
Cr7 The Best Period!

Yuri Boyka
please what is the name of this song??

Hasan Buğra Ünver
wowwww in c.ronaldo

Chapi Chapo
le meilleur tt simplement!!!!!vive real madrid

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