Damien Walters Showreel 07

22 Ekim 2010 Cuma, 19:48

943 izlenme


Makk Dávid
he is not a human

Toro Fpc
wooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww verrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy

Chudomir Birov
Great athlete!!!Too difficult moves,well done!

Joshua Scott Son
very well done!!! I like the wall-frontfLIP, I
can do a version but I have to turn around

Jerfi Deniz Ayata
What's the Name of That Song?

Gerard Milà Arpal
El putoo***ooo!!!! es mi ídolo XD ?¿cómo se
llama la cancion?¿

Gerard Milà Arpal
El putoo***ooo!!!! es mi ídolo XD ?¿cómo se
llama la cancion?¿

Christian Stephens

Charlotte Wester
AWESOME Damien ;-) out of this wold..shut up
it's fab

Saad Fath Al-deen
Fantastic :D

Neil Pearson
The man is a god!

Malcolm Ballet Langlois
t un fou tu déchire

Billy Deceuninck
Real superhero!!

Semih Berberoglu
what's this song name?

Randy Orton
i like thes wooooooooooooow

Nedyalko Shopov
ninja boy

Harold Grimaldo
ohh my god that´s wonderful¡¡¡

Mümin Yılmaz
yok böle bişey

Cahit Adıgüzelli
greetings from me against cahit

Cahit Adıgüzelli
and ı'd liketo meet you :)))))))))))) place

Jack Sportsman Rhodes
dont u think its totaly awesome

Chris Cockerline
Fuck you are awsome

Mark Rühle Bosch

Amirul Amin 대폭발
Mark Rühle Bosch

Edwin Javier
se mama ese wey con lo del carro

Mariq Vitanova
woooow :) I've never seen something like
this....You are not a human :D Just ....woooow :)

Stéfany Bundy
t'es trop fort c'est incroyable!!!!
franchement j'adore vraiment ce que tu fais

Cloe Simard-Nadeau
Aoutch.. Ouin Asser Debille

Vincent Thomas
mec tu déchire!!!

Atılay Demir

Şükrü Aksoy
what's this songs name?It may be
''I need another painkiller''

Axel Giovanni Cattoen

Arnaud Van Cutsem

Slim Slimi
oooooooooo la vache !!!!!!!!!!

Daniel Fjell
this is sooo coool my frend ;)

Claire Honoré
Waow... Comme j'aimerais savoir faire ça..

Vivien Gadem
j'aimerai pouvoir faire ca mais commencer a
28 ans sans base c'est impossible !!!!!

Rochelle Espinola Barbosa
bravo!!!! :)

Cris Ian Banquerigo
wow your so***azing... you are my idol

John Paul Igaña
my god"":::since your first
movie"::""i really like
you"" baby""::

Damiens Walters
new accaunt Damiens walters -----> facebook

Bretya Adhi Anindityo
cool brothers

Fahrul-***bal Dimas Arsyafin
Like this

Nurhak Erdoğmak
bu adam yercekımıne karsı cıkıyo
bence:)))ama yıne de bravooo

Feliipe Olave
k chinva

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