DarkOrbit Annihilator Sneak [HQ]

25 Mart 2011 Cuma, 23:53

1748 izlenme


Martin Banfi

Ali Haydar Akbaş
Ben 40 sana crımı wrmk ıstrdm bk dstm ben bu
oyunu 2 senedn berı oynuyrm

Furkan Gezer
Bizim klanda iki tane 20level var

Ahmet Güneş

Asiler Lordu
ne anlatığını anlayan varmı yaa

Elviszx Crazzy
quien me regala una cuenta que sea peke

Ahmet Güneş
Sallıyo yaa

Asiler Lordu
‎40 lwl olan kim :)))

Martin Banfi

Zsolt Hegedűs
An other thingy, which will kick ash the ppl on
4-5. Lovely

Mehmet Can Yıldız
‎4-5 de cıktı bunlar cok pis ler hızlılar
uberden cıkamıyosunuz bunlar size vuruyo
bukkadar yaa .:D:D:D:D

Ivan Ignacio Castro Muñoz
DarkOrbit is turning a good game man!!! :D good
job BigPoint on these aliens, just a problem, dont
put them in 4-5... you guys must put this on a
different map :( ( Example a x-9 map ;D )thats THE
ONLY problem of this new update... the rest is
very fine! ;)

Ivan Ignacio Castro Muñoz
oh, i for***, and DARKORBIT FTW XD

Mauricio Pacheco
that instead of taking aliens who will not let you
live does notget something to kill them faster
because the clones Howrahand other aliens are
harder to kill at theI propose that artificial
intelligence sake bombfor intelligent aliens be

Elias Ryökäs
new pirate ship...

Klein Cyril
when a new style ships uss enterprise or
Millennium Falcon! or have at least two design and
created a fusion with a extra chip? ange***hique
takes off for space ........

Marty Burke

Alexander Dethlefs
Alright, Level 17 FE Full Bio Goli on USA (East)
here. So, can't you make like x-9 and put
those things in there.. like make new portal that
takes us to there base and we have to fight to
take control and then the push everyone back and
so on, so like a invasion gate kind of. Also, 4-5
blows seriously like I said put them somewhere in

Marvin Brandtner
another fail video xD

Igor Roncevic
any1 fighted them yet ?

Gabo Keci Krewniak

Igor Roncevic
and 4-5 is full of other aliens How could some1
hunt there :D ???

Juanjo Tello
‎....... reloco o.O¡

Bilal Şan
anladınızdamı süper diyorsunuz

Luis Rodrigo Candia Añez
es un intersector de los piratas

Jesus Carmona
esas cosa son komo struners de los mapaz x-8

Tommy Wilson
Should make things interesting lol ps mmo on usa
west rocks

Pavel Quintana Toribio
es el mejor juego para la dibersion y
entretenimiento basico horas y horas de debersion
es el mejor we

Pavel Quintana Toribio

Francisco Zuñiga Bobadilla
jajaja ya vi alos piratas son bien pekes pero
teyegan de***onto uno solo pega de 400 pero entre
todos yegan alos 5 mil XD

Jose Guadalupe Soto Ñañez
ne yo los mata rapito

Francisco Zuñiga Bobadilla
que servidor son jose y pavel ?????

Oğuzhan Akın
tr4 de full iris 13 arge 182m tp 970,000 seref
20.000 beyaz (skylaybı iyi:))) ist. içi

Emerson Serrano
oye ya as peliado con un interceptor

Jorge Castellanos
que es eso

Jorge Castellanos
es una nave nueva o ke

Serhat Dağ
yeni yaratık

Jonathan Calma
qui est dans fr-2 ici

Fehmi Kaçalın
beni kasack varmı tr5 ve tr3 te e lur arkadaşlar

Andres Felipe Sanchez
quien me regala una cuenta de darkorbit?

Boban Petrovic

Itan Yañez Sobarzo
mistico antes era cetury falcon

Ali Erdemir
s.a beyler tr 6 eıcte çarı oln kmler wr

Gökhan Cailskan
beyler bu gördügünüz sey 4-5 da war***a bi
yaklayinca sizi acaib ***io tek basina 45o***a
birden 20 kisi gelio 5 bin cekiorlar ibneler we
kacma sansin yok

Erik Benitez Montenegro
q farsa tonto juego me quitaron 20 bonos de
reparacion q farza y me yamo
-{boss-erik}- soy de tierra y de***erica
global 1 y big point regalame la goliath porque me
tranziaron o no buelvo de jugar dark orbit en toda
mi vida ni mis primos no mis***igos lo volveran a

Erik Benitez Montenegro
tu dices big point

Eduardo Heinze
dark orbit es el mejor sin duda soy mexicano001

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