Dash Berlin - Mexico Tour 2009 [HQ]

10 Şubat 2010 Çarşamba, 13:50

780 izlenme


Eva Tzoc

└► Mesut Demirel ◄┘
great eva: D ahh ahh I'd like to be here too
much but I really like the trance believe yaa yi

Canberk Gücü
partye bak yaaaaaaa

Canberk Gücü
:D:D:D knkaaa aa

Aymen Ψ Bou
●●●●●●(●•̃) Great!!/█\
Amazing!!.Π. Fantastic!!

Aymen Ψ Bou
I lOve Dash Berlin !! (♥_♥) thnx Mesut :D :D

'Fatih Çolak
hahahah ne diyo harbi anlamadım da kopdum sua

'Fatih Çolak

Inger Rønning
Knaill - bra!!

XaLanitaa Jmnz
heeeeey!!! i was in this concert!!!!my goosshh!!my
goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my
goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my
goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my
goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my
goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my
goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my
goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!my goosshh!!it
was***azing...!!i really Loveed that day.. and!!
im on the videOcoooooooooooooooooooL C:...
thank u so much... 'cause i
was searching froom a long time ago one videoo of
the concert when i appear.and finally i found
it!!!dash berLin 4 evaakisses n'

Fernando Lòpez Ceballos
heyyy brother muy bien el video oye como se llama
la primer cancion del video?la segunda es feel u
here pero la primera no la encuentro

Oğuz Wervest
güzelmiş laaa sewdim bunuu

Nicole Waiwai

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