DAYBREAKERS - Trailer 1 [HD]

08 Ağustos 2010 Pazar, 07:44

1580 izlenme


Patrick Grieco
which soldier are you?

Gregory Harrison II
this looks awesome,...haven't seen a good
vampire movie since the Blade trilogy,....looks
better than this gay twilight crap

Katie Sanders
this movie looks soooooooooooooo good i think
this is going 2 be a big hit

Richard Thom
very well done, i already know this is going to
be a hit

Rico Chicharito SwaVay
im seeing this on day one!!!!!

Asaf Bronfeld
***!!!! i cant wait.. thats gonna be a great

Dilonya Pratt
OMG!!! i cant wait!!!

Mike Vitale
Actually looks pretty decent!!

Jay Barone
sam niell, enuf said

Abd Al Salam

Jessica Jumbalya
looks like those vampires are caught in a pickle

Tina Torrez
This looks like it's gonna be a good movie

Cory James Simpson

Danny W Green
Bloody cool....can't wait, love vampire
movies!!! :[

Alicia Arnold

Gen Overholser
cant wait!!

Eugene Burk
awsome i bet it would kick ass in i max

Royer Montoya

John J. Piedra
this movie will be 5 stars i sware it'll b e
a gud movie

Nick Scott

Sarah Laird
i reallllly want to see this moviee

Sarah Stutsman
Does anyone know what song or artist that is
playing towards the end of the trailer?

Liam Copping
Its Placebo doing a cover version of an old Kate
Bush song, can't remember the title of song,
best bet would be to google Placebo band and Kate

Sarah Hartwell
I wanna see this! If you were in town, I would
definetly see this with you Drew!

Jeffrey Unicornsandglitter Hames
Despite Ethan Hawk and his dirty teeth I still
want to see this movie.

Zak Jonathan Stone
i will c this movie

Brian Dalgetty
this is one of the greatest movies I have ever
seen if you have not seen it you need to

Sheldon D. Dottery
This Was The Best Vampire Story Ever
Made...Because It Had A Twist To It...It Was

Syed Omer
hye guys do u knw me i*** actor of this movie

Ari Leos Bernstein
yea, and people thought twilight was good

Matthew Eustice
love this movie awesome all through

Justin Ely Jones
me and my gf went in see this i loved this movie
but she jumped out of her seat the whole time i
think its a grate movie

Azrin Problematic Tan

Mwachofy Symon
WORTH 2 b watched!!!!!

Yavuz Selim Genç
dayı holivud böyle filmler yapsın

Tina Torrez
This looks like it's gonna be a good movie

Cory J Simpson

Danny W Green
Bloody cool....can't wait, love vampire
movies!!! :[

Alice Malice

JoJo Fluder Lynn
that would b awsome i cant wait till it comes out
i just ♥ scary movie even though this dont look
that scary there still freakin awsome

Royer Montoya

John J. Piedra
this movie will be 5 stars i sware it'll b e
a gud movie

Nick Scott

Sarah Laird
i reallllly want to see this moviee

Laura Terry

Zachary Reed
whats this movie gonna be rated .......cuz if it
is g i not going to see it lol but looks like a
good movie!!!

Christy Roberts Kilz
can not wait to see this!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah Stutsman
Does anyone know what song or artist that is
playing towards the end of the trailer?

Liam Copping
Its Placebo doing a cover version of an old Kate
Bush song, can't remember the title of song,
best bet would be to google Placebo band and Kate

Hell Bone
Placebo - Running up that hill. This song was
first sang by Kate Bush

Sarah Hartwell
I wanna see this! If you were in town, I would
definetly see this with you Drew!

Jeff Hames
Despite Ethan Hawk and his dirty teeth I still
want to see this movie.

Zak J. Stone
i will c this movie

Brian R Dalgetty
this is one of the greatest movies I have ever
seen if you have not seen it you need to

Sheldon D. Dottery
This Was The Best Vampire Story Ever
Made...Because It Had A Twist To It...It Was

Fatih Şenay Bereketçi
this looks awesome,...haven't seen a good
vampire movie since the Blade trilogy,....looks
better than this gay twilight crap

Adriana Castellanos Alfonso
Excelente película. ¿Cuándo la estrenan en

Syèð Omèř
hye guys do u knw me i*** actor of this movie

Ari Leos Bernstein
yea, and people thought twilight was good

Matt Eustice
love this movie awesome all through

Djair Kisoen
yeh blade was the best movie heit was like a real
vampire movie ;)

Justin Ely Jones
me and my gf went in see this i loved this movie
but she jumped out of her seat the whole time i
think its a grate movie

Luiiz Ojeda'
en español esta mejor saben!!

Azrin Problematic Tan

Anastasia Lacrymamosa
movie so_scary

Mŵãĉhøfÿ Śýmõń
WORTH 2 b watched!!!!!

Brian Cox
this movie so good

Ewa Kowalik
i love this movie!

Tahlia Jade Hutchings
this movie is like the bomb man. come on its like
one of the best movies EVER. i absolutly LOVE it

Javier Armando Penadillo Segovia
awesome film wich shivers me! dont u guys?

Jeselyn Gutierez
i like it...

Szabó Henrietta

Froylan Grant Mejia
where can I find the trailerof when the little
girl vampiregets killed by the sun?

Janreve Martirez Odango
love this movie.....

Eladio G. Sedanto III
I would really love 2 see this awesome movie

Ahmed Hssen
yea, and people thought twilight was good

Hendri Js Park
its good

Jahleel George
it sick not good

กุลธิดา อุตส่าห์

Jaimes Hdk M***es
awesome films

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