Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez - One And The Same [HQ]

10 Ekim 2010 Pazar, 10:38

3410 izlenme


Sydney Belliveau
luv this song.......... it remids me of the
movie princess protectoin program

Rebekah N Singh
cool song

Jonathan Noble Six

Diego Fauricio Fernandez
my princess i love

Rocio Avila
i dont like dat song

Yen Pham Perfecto
whyy?! its a good song -.-

Shanti Fitria Radcliffe
very very nice song.. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Vale Lopez Maldonado
why this song its so cool??? whyyy?

Manoula Jonas Lovato
i know selena and demi r so cool

Thuvaraha Vamathevan
i love this song

Wąfą ŽĄŘŖÖùĶĩ ʚɞ
me 2 i ♥ this song

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