Devil - Theatrical Trailer [HD]

13 Ekim 2010 Çarşamba, 15:02

988 izlenme


Denis Kurmanov
M. Night Shyamalan, can't wait.

Ash Belits
i think its the guy with the red tie :D

Brittney Browder
i have to see this

Alexis Flawless Hayes
i think its that guy who works there

Dorothy L Nichols
put your trust in a higher power and your eyes
toward heaven you ***ta have faith, trust, and
hope for all good things

George Padin
Looks real good!

Jordan Jones
i want to see

Benjamin Babb

Jon Eberle
Definitely the girl, without a doubt

Vin R Davis
holy crap!!!

Jake Kyle Sisson

Roseii Naytool
Can't WAIT!!! lol I'll be there when it

Steven Renjii Glidewell
movie is going to be so ***ing epic....

Susan Renteria
i know who the devil is look for the person
wearing red XD m.night always puts the vilan in

William Raymond Lumpp
well, i thought it was going to be awesome, until
I saw M night shyamalan directed it...

Darren Khoury
cnt ***in wait

Ntoh A. Ogork
I*** never riding the elevator ever again.

Mickey Crawford

CJ Nissen
After Airbender, I'm pretty sure I
couldn't possibly stand another M. Night

Kayla Walters
Oh..... M. Night Shymalan..... Umm......

Jarrett Helton
I'm pretty sure it's the old woman.
When you freeze it when they're all dead,
she's the only one not torn up and covered in

Jackilynn Ronk
YEA its the OLD woman

Jarrett Helton
And seeing as how it's Shyamalan, he thinks
that it's going to be a good twist. Somehow I
think that a sweet old lady actually being evil
has already been done.

Paul Woodruff
Personally I think Ill be in the the line opening

Robin Case
what old lady?

Dawn Gallop
And this my lovely people is why I take the

Sandee K Pace Ha'o
oooh I can't wait! I really hope that this
movie is as good as the trailer!

Anna Beauchamp
Wow... I have officially lost all respect for
Shyamalan. Can you believe he gets paid for this

Jonathan Lacayo
dont lose respect for him hes trying to put
awareness out there to ignorant people that ignore
what they cant see

Tonya Holman
I'm interested, but I've been
disappointed with the last few Shyamalan movies.
He's a story-teller and that's what I
appreciate him for, but you can drive tanks
through the holes in the plots. Maybe I'll
give Devil a chance one rainy evening.

Sam Johnson
Quote from a horror film connoisseur concerning
this, based on the preview alone:
"Haven't I seen this already?
Didn't it suck last time? What happened to
good horror films? It's cliche, it's a
waste of time; that guy needs to stop
directin...g." Coincidentally, she has seen a
movie that had a similar premise: a girl and a few
other people, locked in an elevator- an hour and a
half later, they still called it a horror
film.Also, in the jump cut when the security
cameras are looking at the people in the elevator
that goes from them standing to all of them being
dead, the old lady does not appear to be lying
down. Regardless, everything is hit or miss.
Still, I'm not shelling out the eight or ten
whatever bucks to go see it.

Karantanija Cinemas
I watched it a while ago, don't worry about
Shyama, he didn't direct it and it shows.
There's suspension through whole movie. Watch

Chloe Adams
It looks soooo good!

Susan Jacob
i absolutley adore anything Shyamalan touches and
im certain this will be no different

Susan Jacob
my only problem is that damn lady and all her
over reacting to everything. calm ur ass down
bitch and quit screamin

Jersey Britt

Nathalie Jusino
good movie!!!

Selina Lim
this i i godd horror movieee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i
want to see but i missed it

Karl VanPelt
If this is like the Village, then it's going
to suck. Shyamalan is over rated.

Julian Symone Barnes
omg thadt is crazy

Cierra CeCe Simmons
this movie gone be so gud...*** to go see
i think the devil is the person wit the curly hair

Austin Patterson

Oh'My God'Its Bryce
It is the curly hair guy!

Thor Fetterly
i saw it yesterday night its the old bitch

Daniel Craine
Thanks Thor for ruining it.

Kenya Tucker
Yea...i wanna c dis movie.... i like shyt like

Jordan Jones
the old woman seen tha movie it sucked

Giselle Zaca
iSaw it Yester iknow im qonna ruin it for you
quys but its the old Lady :p

Megan Mills
bitch i wanted to see it

Michael Hocking
Hmmm, it does look a bit silly, but sometimes the
best horror comes out of the most absurd

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