Doğa İçin ÇaL - Divane Aşık Gibi [HQ]

26 Aralık 2009 Cumartesi, 21:52

1461 izlenme


Ali Kanli
cok anlamli harika bir paylasim.. gurubun bu
icilesi kivamdaki yorumu icin kutluyorum sizleri
yurekten devami dilegim ve sonsuz sevgilerimle

Carmen Kovacs
is wonderful...........

Najia Oui
c'est magnifique!

Canan Y. Ergun
It is a Turkish folk music from north east part of
Turkiye (Turkey). Its team is love. It is played
by 45 musicians to protect the NATURE... The name
of the project is PLAY FOR NATURE...

Canan Y. Ergun

Baldo Nastasi
Grandi!!!! Colpisce la grande passione che mettono
nell'esecuzione, oltre alla tecnica
strumentale!!!. Non li conoscevo, auguro loro un
grande successo!!!!

Choo Sheau Yun
tesekkur for this beautiful music and video.

Connie Richardson
each time i listen to this song, i find something
new that i love!! it makes me wish i spoke (and
understood) turkish, so i could sing along. ( i
sing along anyway,...just poorly! anyway...thank
you,thank you. :)

Carmen Kovacs
is wonderful...........

Najia Slawia
c'est magnifique!

Canan Y. Ergun
It is a Turkish folk music from north east part of
Turkiye (Turkey). Its team is love. It is played
by 45 musicians to protect the NATURE... The name
of the project is PLAY FOR NATURE...

Canan Y. Ergun

Hakan Şahin
Thx to Playing for change to provide this concept
for our musicians.

Baldo Nastasi
Grandi!!!! Colpisce la grande passione che mettono
nell'esecuzione, oltre alla tecnica
strumentale!!!. Non li conoscevo, auguro loro un
grande successo!!!!

Choo Sheau Yun
tesekkur for this beautiful music and video.

Connie Richardson
each time i listen to this song, i find something
new that i love!! it makes me wish i spoke (and
understood) turkish, so i could sing along. ( i
sing along anyway,...just poorly! anyway...thank
you,thank you. :)

Edelgard Schmidt
PERFECT ~ LINE ~ RESPECTMeiner Meinung nach
sollten für besondere ausdrucksvolle Mu***clips
prämierte Kunstpreise verliehen werden. Sie
sollten dann zu öffentlichen Anlässen und Feiern
gezeigt werden schönen dafür
hergerichteten Orten...

Haluk Arslan
çok güzel bi çalışma devamını bekliyoruz

Christine Marquette

Shannon Dee Gradwell
Don't understand a word of it, but it
doesn't really need translation. It's
layers upon layers of craftmanship. Thanks so
much for the gift.

Carolyn Coats Medendorp
This gives me chills. It's incredibly
beautiful. Music is truly the universal language.
Thank you for speaking to me.

Tamer Karaca
süpersiniz çok iyi birçalışma olmuş

Kamil Arac
özlem türay 1:49 dabestem yuvarlak 4:02
deramadan 5:42 deburak şahin 5:49 danasılda su
gibi duru sesleri var dikkat eder misiniz,

Kürsat Bagci
ah uleeen ahh!

Jon Martin
Sometimes it just doesn't matter if you
understand the words. Look at the faces.

Hasan Behzetoglu
emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler... thanks
everbody for about that work..

Mihri Jan
congratulation!!! Tebrikler!!

Ali Karakus
A M A Z I N G ! ! !

Ilknur Ebinç Özcanlı
mükemmelsiniz çocuklar..devam..

Mercan Bagatirlar Balci
Wonderful, awosome.....

Harun Demir
perfect,this is Turkish music move for the
nature.wait the new songs ;) they r coming soon...

Gülsüm Ergül

Abbas Gumus
musteesem..gurur duymamak mumkun
degıl..yenılerını bekllıyoruz..

Nihal Çoruh
Evet, hem kulaklarımızın pasını sildiğiniz
için, hemde müziğimizi böyle hoş bi
çalışmayla tanıttığınız için, emeğiniz
için teşekkürler..Here is the beauty of my
music.. :) You are great..Thanks..

Tugba Kadir Akarçeşme
mükemmel bi şarkı.bayılıyorum ben bu
karadeniz yorumlarına:agzınıza saglık: helal

Fatime Akarçeşme

Pablo López
excellent !!! peace and love from méxico !!!

Sergen Kara
In a word, wonderful. To nature, this song would
like to congratulate all the people in the. For
nature, it really drew attention. I wish you
continued success

Miguel Suero Fernández
soberbia la musica turca hecha en equipo. Very
good, friends

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